

Geplaatst op vrijdag 09 oktober 2020 @ 20:53 door -Postman- , 570 keer bekeken

TIP: Benader/bekijk de films/TV series met een browser die voorzien is van een ad-blocker - zie: FreeCloud - voor meer en belangrijke informatie
    start de film na een klik op de startknop niet meteen op (mogelijk een storing of serveronderhoud) dan de pagina verversen en nog n's klikken

   720p/1080p high definition | full screen knop wordt na start rechts onderaan zichtbaar
         alle andere zaken (ongeacht wat) die nog in beeld komen wegklikken en doorstarten (CC rechtsonder)

         collected short films (incl. some hard to find)


European Sci-Fi Movies and Short Films (compilation 2018)

Beyond (2016)

The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (2022)

Blindsight (2010)

10 Failed Sci-Fi Series (2020)

Still A Forbidden Planet.... (2017)

The Fisherman (2021)

The Landing (2013)

Cenizo (2023)

Hibernation (2005)

Phoenix (2015)

Artificial Existence (2021)

Plug (1998)

The Place Where You Live (2014)

M52 (2019)

Oasis Terminal (2007)

The Masseuse (2018)

We Ate the Children Last (2011)

Lunatique (2016)

Iris (2009)

Archipelago (2021)

Eldritch Code (2017)

CTRL Z (2017)

Significance (2015)

Empsillnes (2015)

Disarm (2022)

The Desert (2020)

Niggun (2017)

Illegal Aliens (2017)

Double Negative (2014)

Shadows (2014)

Marooned (2012)


experimental, fantasy, ai:

Our Fractal Brains
Fractalicious 6
Could There Be Other Explanations?
Fractal Cathedral Pack
Recombination Fulldome Trailer

Grieg's Wonderland

Digital Mosaic VJ pack

Daybreak in the Universe

Recombination Anniversary Edition Trailer

Fractalicious 10

Algebra of Awe

    720p/1080p high definition | full screen knop wordt na start rechts onderaan zichtbaar | click n' play server cluster

   The OceanMaker





The Raven


The Gift

Phoenix 9

Bring On Tomorrow

Close Proximity


On Sunday

Smoking is a crime

Stealing Time


Wire Cutters


The Gift


The Sentient

The Last Y-Bot


The Most Beautiful Day



Left Behind


The Lander




State Zero

Volume 1 » Rakka


The Nostalgist

The Beacon


The Leap

Hard Reset


Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
A short film is any motion picture not long enough in running time to be considered a feature film
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as 'an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less
including all credits'

« waar gaat die film/TV serie over ? klik icon
photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg

This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
If you get any error message when trying to stream, please refresh the page





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