

Geplaatst op maandag 26 oktober 2020 @ 12:14 door -Postman- , 485 keer bekeken

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   720p/1080p high definition | full screen knop wordt na start rechts onderaan zichtbaar
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         bij deze servers zijn ondertitels vaak niet geactiveerd of niet aanwezig (CC rechtsonder)

         TV series 1961-1962 b/w | action, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy | status: cancelled/ended

    was ooit samen met Mr. Ed en The Invisible Man een TV serie van de eerste en enige Nederlandse
    commeriële TV piraat (REM eiland) op de Noordzee, waaruit later -aan land- de TROS ontstond
    zie index map: TV Archive voor bovengenoemde retro series


S01E01 Rescue

S01E02 False Alarm

S01E03 The Talisman of Sargon

S01E04 What Goes Up

S01E05 Amazonian Adventure

S01E06 Grounded

S01E07 Keep It Cool

S01E08 Jungle Hazard

S01E09 High Tension

S01E10 Island Incident

S01E11 Ice-Fall

S01E12 Phantom Piper

S01E13 Pirate Plunder

S01E14 A Little Art

S01E15 Flight of Fancy

S01E16 Deep Seven

S01E17 Hostage

S01E18 The Sunken Temple

S01E19 The Lost City

S01E20 Trapped in the Depths

S01E21 The Dragon of Ho Meng

S01E22 The Magic Carpet

S01E23 Supercar "Take One"

S01E24 Crash Landing

S01E25 The Tracking of Masterspy

S01E26 The White Line (error)


S02E01 The Runaway Train

S02E02 Precious Cargo

S02E03 Operation Superstork

S02E04 Hi-Jack

S02E05 Calling Charlie Queen

S02E06 Space for Mitch

see below for missing episodes

    720p/1080p high definition | full screen knop wordt na start rechts onderaan zichtbaar | 2nd chance server cluster

     S01E26 The White Line

     S02E07 Atomic Witch Hunt

S02E08 70-B-Lo

S02E09The Sky's the Limit

S02E10 Jail Break

   ♦  S02E11 The Day That Time Stood Still

S02E12 Transatlantic Cable

S02E13 King Kool

brief summary:
Supercar is a prototype vehicle that can travel in the air, on land or beneath the sea
Its test pilot is Mike Mercury, who travels the world in search of adventure
Supercar was designed by Professor Popkiss and Dr. Beaker, who continue to modify it for specific missions
Often traveling with Mike is 10-year-old orphan Jimmy Gibson

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photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg

This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
If you get any error message when trying to stream, please refresh the page





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