

Geplaatst op zondag 05 december 2021 @ 00:19 door -Postman- , 656 keer bekeken

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TV series 2021-current show | science fiction, drama | status: continuing
the series has been renewed for a 3rd season, which starts production feb.

S01E01 Last Day

S01E02 Crash

S01E03 Orion

S01E04 The King Is Dead

S01E05 Going Home

S01E06 Home Invasion

S01E07 Hope

S01E08 Contact

S01E09 Full of Stars

S01E10 First Day


S02E01 Something's Changed

S02E02 Chasing Ghosts

S02E03 Fireworks

S02E04 The Tunnel

S02E05 A Voice from the Other Side

S02E06 Pressure Points

S02E07 Down the Rabbit Hole

S02E08 Cosmic Ocean

S02E09 Breakthrough

S02E10 Old Friends, New Frontiers


Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
People all over the world are in a state of confusion as unexplained stuff falls from the sky, killing people and causing power outages

Earth is visited by an alien species that threatens humanity's existence
Events unfold in real time through the eyes of five ordinary people across the globe as they struggle to make sense of the chaos unraveling around them

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photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg

This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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