

Geplaatst op maandag 13 december 2021 @ 20:15 door -Postman- , 475 keer bekeken

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TV series 2018-current show | drama, western | sequel to series: 1883 and 1923
status: continuing | see directory The Yellowstone Saga

S01E01 Daybreak

S01E02 Kill the Messenger

S01E03 No Good Horses

S01E04 The Long Black Train

S01E05 Coming Home

S01E06 The Remembering

S01E07 A Monster Is Among Us

S01E08 The Unravelling: Pt. 1

S01E09 The Unravelling: Pt. 2


S02E01 A Thundering

S02E02 New Beginnings

S02E03 The Reek of Desperation

S02E04 Only Devils Left

S02E05 Touching Your Enemy

S02E06 Blood the Boy

S02E07 Resurrection Day

S02E08 Behind Us Only Grey

S02E09 Enemies by Monday

S02E10 Sins of the Father


S03E01 You're the Indian Now

S03E02 Freight Trains and Monsters

S03E03 An Acceptable Surrender

S03E04 Going Back to Cali

S03E05 Cowboys and Dreamers

S03E06 All for Nothing

S03E07 The Beating

S03E08 I Killed a Man Today

S03E09 Meaner Than Evil

S03E10 The World Is Purple


S04E01 Half the Money

S04E02 Phantom Pain

S04E03 All I See Is You

S04E04 Winning or Learning

S04E05 Under a Blanket of Red

S04E06 I Want to Be Him

S04E07 Keep the Wolves Close

S04E08 No Kindness for the Coward

S04E09 No Such Thing as Fair

S04E10 Grass on the Streets and Weeds on the Rooftops


S05E01 One Hundred Years Is Nothing

S05E02 The Sting of Wisdom

S05E03 Tall Drink of Water

S05E04 Horses in Heaven

S05E05 Watch 'em Ride Away

S05E06 Cigarettes, Whiskey, a Meadow and You

S05E07 The Dream Is Not Me

S05E08 A Knife and No Coin

S05E09 Desire Is All You Need

S05E10 The Apocalypse of Change

S05E11 Three Fifty-Three

S05E12 Counting Coup

S05E13 Give the World Away

S05E14 Life Is a Promise


Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
A ranching family in Montana face off against others encroaching on their land

The family that owns the largest contiguous ranch in the United States finds itself constantly under siege by land developers after lumber and
natural gas, and from the adjacent Indian reservation and famous National Park

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