

Geplaatst op donderdag 16 december 2021 @ 01:31 door -Postman- , 479 keer bekeken

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TV series 2019-2022 | drama, fantasy | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 The Rabbit Hole

S01E03 Down, Down, Down

S01E04 Who Are You?

S01E05 Mine Is a Long and a Sad Tale

S01E06 I'll Be Judge, I'll Be Jury

S01E07 Tell Me the Truth

S01E08 A Mad Tea-Party

S01E09 Crisis on Infinite Earths (2)

S01E10 How Queer Everything Is Today!

S01E11 An Un-Birthday Present

S01E12 Take Your Choice

S01E13 Drink Me

S01E14 Grinning from Ear to Ear

S01E15 Off with Her Head

S01E16 Through the Looking-Glass

S01E17 A Narrow Escape

S01E18 If You Believe in Me, I'll Believe in You

S01E19 A Secret Kept from All the Rest

S01E20 O, Mouse!


S02E01 What Happened to Kate Kane?

S02E02 Prior Criminal History

S02E03 Bat Girl Magic!

S02E04 Fair Skin, Blue Eyes

S02E05 Gore on Canvas

S02E06 Do Not Resuscitate

S02E07 It's Best You Stop Digging

S02E08 Survived Much Worse

S02E09 Rule #1

S02E10 Time Off for Good Behavior

S02E11 Arrive Alive

S02E12 Initiate Self-Destruct

S02E13 I'll Give You a Clue

S02E14 And Justice for All

S02E15 Armed and Dangerous

S02E16 Rebirth

S02E17 Kane, Kate

S02E18 Power


S03E01 Mad as a Hatter

S03E02 Loose Tooth

S03E03 Freeze

S03E04 Antifreeze

S03E05 A Lesson from Professor Pyg

S03E06 How Does Your Garden Grow?

S03E07 Pick Your Poison

S03E08 Trust Destiny

S03E09 Meet Your Maker

S03E10 Toxic

S03E11 Broken Toys

S03E12 We're All Mad Here

S03E13 We Having Fun Yet?

brief summary:
In Bruce Wayne's absence, others step forward to don the costume and combat the criminal resurgence in Gotham City

Armed with a great passion for social justice and with a great facility to always say what she thinks, Kate Kane is known in the streets of Gotham as
Batwoman, a lesbian highly trained to fight crime that resurfaces in the city

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