

Geplaatst op vrijdag 11 februari 2022 @ 17:07 door -Postman- , 331 keer bekeken

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TV series 1989-1993 | science fiction, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Genesis Part I

S01E02 Genesis Part II

S01E03 Star-Crossed

S01E04 The Right Hand of God

S01E05 How the Tess Was Won

S01E06 Double Identity

S01E07 The Color of Truth

S01E08 Camikazi Kid

S01E09 Play It Again, Seymour


S02E01 Honeymoon Express

S02E02 Disco Inferno

S02E03 The Americanization of Machiko

S02E04 What Price Gloria?

S02E05 Blind Faith

S02E06 Good Morning, Peoria

S02E07 Thou Shalt Not...

S02E08 Jimmy

S02E09 Help Me God

S02E10 Catch a Falling Star

S02E11 A Portrait for Troian

S02E12 Animal Frat

S02E13 Another Mother

S02E14 All Americans

S02E15 Her Charm

S02E16 Freedom

S02E17 Good Night, Dear Heart
S02E18 Pool Hall Blues
S02E19 Leaping in Without a Net
S02E20 Maybe Baby
S02E21 Sea Bride
S02E22 M.I.A.


S03E01 The Leap Home Part I

S03E02 The Leap Home Part II (Vietnam)

S03E03 Leap of Faith

S03E04 One Strobe Over the Line

S03E05 The Boogieman

S03E06 Miss Deep South

S03E07 Black on White on Fire

S03E08 The Great Spontini

S03E09 Rebel Without a Clue

S03E10 A Little Miracle

S03E11 Runaway

S03E12 8 1/2 Months

S03E13 Future Boy

S03E14 Private Dancer

S03E15 Piano Man

S03E16 Southern Comforts

S03E17 Glitter Rock

S03E18 A Hunting Will We Go

S03E19 Last Dance Before an Execution

S03E20 Heart of a Champion

S03E21 Nuclear Family

S03E22 Shock Theater


S04E01 The Leap Back

S04E02 Play Ball

S04E03 Hurricane

S04E04 Justice

S04E05 Permanent Wave

S04E06 Raped

S04E07 The Wrong Stuff

S04E08 Dreams
S04E09 A Single Drop of Rain
S04E10 Unchained
S04E11 The Play's the Thing
S04E12 Running for Honor
S04E13 Temptation Eyes

S04E14 The Last Gunfighter

S04E15 A Song for the Soul

S04E16 Ghost Ship

S04E17 Roberto!

S04E18 It's a Wonderful Leap

S04E19 Moments to Live

S04E20 The Curse of Ptah-Hotep

S04E21 Stand Up

S04E22 A Leap for Lisa


S05E01 Lee Harvey Oswald (1)

S05E02 Lee Harvey Oswald (2)

S05E03 Leaping of the Shrew

S05E04 Nowhere to Run

S05E05 Killin' Time

S05E06 Star Light, Star Bright

S05E07 Deliver Us from Evil

S05E08 Trilogy (1): One Little Heart

S05E09 Trilogy (2): For Your Love

S05E10 Trilogy (3): The Last Door

S05E11 Promised Land

S05E12 A Tale of Two Sweeties

S05E13 Liberation

S05E14 Dr. Ruth

S05E15 Blood Moon

S05E16 Return of the Evil Leaper

S05E17 Revenge of the Evil Leaper

S05E18 Goodbye Norma Jean

S05E19 The Beast Within

S05E20 The Leap Between the States

S05E21 Memphis Melody

S05E22 Mirror Image

brief summary:

Scientist Sam Beckett finds himself trapped in time-"leaping" into the body of a different person in a different time period each week

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