

Geplaatst op vrijdag 15 april 2022 @ 12:54 door -Postman- , 1099 keer bekeken

Watch Ukrainian TV channels online - click a blue link below

This Ukrainian TV channels section is widely represented by national and regional TV channels
Among them, information, news and entertainment prevail, but there are also children's, educational, sports and
religious channels
Most broadcast their programs around the clock
After the events of 2014, most of the TV channels began to broadcast in Ukrainian, respectively, and their names
were changed from Russian to Ukrainian
Ukraine is one of the countries that has a large number of television channels broadcasting online in the public domain

Zattoo Ukrainian TV
Live Stream 24 TV
5 TV Live

Y24 24 Live
TV from Ukraine - Nationwide TV/Regional TV
Nash TV live + Related channels


List of the Ukraine TV Channels
TV channels from Ukraine
Free Ukrainian TV channels online in the US, Canada and other


STB - News - Kyiv, Ukraine
Novy TV - Entertainment - Kyiv, Ukraine
Inter Television - Entertainment/News - Kyiv, Ukraine

ICTV - General - Kyiv, Ukraine
K1 TV - Entertainment - Kyiv, Ukraine
ZIK TV - Lviv, Ukraine
Pershyi Natsionalnyi - General - Ukraine

TET - General - Ukraine
Football TV Channel
1+1 - Entertainment - Ukraine
NTN - General
1 Auto TV
Music Box


* Channels not available (for the moment):

* Glas TV, ZIK TV, 5TV, O-TV, Telekanal Ukrayina, 11 Channel, TVI - Kyiv, UBR - Kyiv, 34 Telekanal, 2+2, STRC Crimea UBC,
100% News Television - Odessa, Telekanala ATR - Simferopol, UNT - Kyiv, Gamma TV - Kyiv, 24 Channel, ChP.Info, Pogoda TV, Chernomorskaya TV,
Poverkhnost TV, CNL


Film: Ukrainian war drama (you should use an Ad Blocker) block advertisements

Sniper. The White Raven (2022)


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       bron: Computer Idee

De website Torrents of Truth schotelt nietsvermoedende Russen video's voor waarin Oekraïense journalisten vertellen over de oorlog in hun land

Zo omzeilen ze de propaganda en censuur in Rusland
De servers staan in allerlei Europese landen
De Russische overheid kan de website dus niet zomaar offline halen
Bekend is dat zeker 48 procent van de Russen dagelijks illegale content download; oa. van Torrent websites, dus ....

photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg

This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
If you get any error message when trying to stream, please refresh the page





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