

Geplaatst op zondag 24 april 2022 @ 00:47 door -Postman- , 1207 keer bekeken

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TV series 2022-current show | reality-tv | status: on hiatus


S01E01 Burn Them All to the F*cking Ground

S01E02 Did Somebody Tape That?

S01E03 Live from New York

S01E04 We're Celebrating Sex

S01E05 Who is Kim K?
S01E06 This is a Life or Death Situation
S01E07 Where I've Been and Where I Wanna Go

S01E08 Never Go Against the Family

S01E09 Bucket List Goals

S01E10 Enough is Enough


S02E01 I Have Something To Tell You ...

S02E02 Prada You!

S02E03 Life Can Change On A Dime

S02E04 We're Built For This

S02E05 One Night In Miami

S02E06 You Have No Idea How Iconic This Is!

S02E07 What's More American Than Marilyn Monroe?

S02E08 I Never Thought I'd See The Day

S02E09 It's Met Monday!

S02E10 Here's to Paris


S03E01 Can Everyone Get Their Sh*t Together?

S03E02 Don't Want It, Don't Need It, I'm Done

S03E03 Everything is My Fault!

S03E04 Ciao, Kim
S03E05 You Think I Need Your Permission?
S03E06 The Tension is Brewing
S03E07 Deeper Than Dolce

S03E08 I Have Some Very Important News
S03E09 Feel, Deal, Heal
S03E10 What Just Happened? 


S04E01 You’re A Witch And I Hate You
S04E02 When Is Being Me Gonna Be Okay?
S04E03 A Step in the Right Direction

S04E04 London Here We Come
S04E05 It Takes A Village
S04E06 You're Spiraling
S04E07 A Short-Term Fight

S04E08 Not Forgotten, Not Forgiven


S05E01 Welcome to my Mind
S05E02 Get It Together
S05E03 This Is Going To Be Really Hot Tea
S05E04 I'm the Man of the Year!

S05E05 Baby Rocky
S05E06 Stick Up Your Ass
S05E07 The Peak and The Pit
S05E08 This Is My Most Important Job

S05E09 Second Chances
S05E10 This I Can't Do This


S06E01 Literally Falling Apart

S06E02 I Don't Erase What Happened

S06E03 I Just Can't Wait to Be King

S06E04 She Said Yes!

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

    [01] Members of the Kardashian Family[02] How Old Are The Kardashians?[03] Kardashians Before and After Plastic Surgery

brief summary:
The series focuses mainly on sisters Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé Kardashian and their half-sisters, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and their mother, Kris Jenner
It also features the current and ex-partners, respectively, of the Kardashian sisters, including Travis Barker, Kanye West, and Scott Disick

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