

Geplaatst op maandag 06 juni 2022 @ 11:12 door -Postman- , 366 keer bekeken

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TV series 2019-current show | reality-TV | status: on hiatus
winner Best Docu-Reality series at MTV Movie & TV Awards


S01E01 If Looks Could Sell

S01E02 Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

S01E03 (Real) Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend

S01E04 Loose Lips Sink Relationships

S01E05 The One That Got Away

S01E06 Real Estate Hunger Games

S01E07 It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Right

S01E08 The Gloves Come Off


S02E01 Let the Real Estate Games Begin

S02E02 Billionaires Have Compounds

S02E03 Sorry, Not Sorry

S02E04 The Red Engagement Party

S02E05 I'm No Soldier

S02E06 The Wait Will Be Worth the Wait

S02E07 That's Why They Call It Real Estress

S02E08 Karma's Gonna Get You


S03E01 Back to Business

S03E02 Confidence Is Key

S03E03 The Biggest Agent in the Room

S03E04 Everybody Loves Mary

S03E05 Bad News Travels Fast

S03E06 One Text Changes Everything

S03E07 Two Sides to Every Story

S03E08 A Not So White Wedding


S04E01 Very High Heels to Fill

S04E02 New Friends, Old Enemies

S04E03 Rival Arrival

S04E04 The Emma Dilemma

S04E05 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

S04E06 A House for a Hero

S04E07 Back on the Market

S04E08 The Truth Hurts

S04E09 The Beginning of the End

S04E10 One Last Hail Mary


S05E01 Game Changer

S05E02 New Blood

S05E03 Coming for All Your Coin

S05E04 Bad Bitches Don't Cry

S05E05 Do You Think We're Friends?

S05E06 Step Up or Step Out

S05E07 It's Getting Personal

S05E08 She's Your Problem Too

S05E09 Sabotage in Stilettos

S05E10 Nothing Remains the Same

S05E11 The Reunion


S06E01 I Wanted To Hate You

S06E02 TBD on Bre

S06E03 Old Deals Die Hard

S06E04 Between You and Bre

S06E05 Miss Management

S06E06 Mary in the Middle

S06E07 If You Can't Stand the Heat...

S06E08 Bre Bites Back

S06E09 Lawsuits and Listings

S06E10 Something's Gotta Give

S06E11 It's Not Worth It


S07E01 The Real Estate Apocalypse

S07E02 Mean Girl Sh*t

S07E03 House of Horrors

S07E04 Namaste Out of Everyone's Business

S07E05 Setting The Stage For Disaster

S07E06 It's Not the Size of the Listing...

S07E07 Cabo San Loco

S07E08 Oppenheim Wine

S07E09 The Enemy of My Enemy

S07E10 Pack it up, pack it in

S07E11 Commission Impossible

S07E12 The Reunion


S08E01 The Girls Are Back in Town

S08E02 Who Wears the Pants?

S08E03 Cat's Out of the Birkin Bag

S08E04 Sitting on a Secret

S08E05 Once Alanna Time in the West

S08E06 Don't Rain on My Parade

S08E07 Sides Are Chosen

S08E08 Down on Your Potluck

S08E09 Two Listings and a Funeral

S08E10 World War Bre

S08E11 Burning Down the House

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:

The elite real estate brokers at The Oppenheim Group sell the luxe life to affluent buyers in LA
The drama ramps up when a new agent joins the team

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