

Geplaatst op donderdag 23 juni 2022 @ 03:28 door -Postman- , 325 keer bekeken

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collection of popular and successful Jacques Tati movies


Monsieur Hulot's Holiday (1953)

Mon Oncle (1958)

Parade (1974)

Playtime (1967)

Trafic (1971)

Jour De Fete (1949)

brief summary:
The (tall) comic genius Jacques Tati was born Taticheff, descended from a noble Russian family
His grandfather, Count Dimitri, had been a general in the Imperial Army and had served as military attaché to the Russian Embassy in Paris
From 1931, Jacques toured the Parisian music halls, theatres and circuses with his impersonations, acrobatics, drunk waiter and comic tennis routines
(the latter would be famously re-enacted by his alter ego, Monsieur Hulot)

We truly recommend to rewatch his films. You always see different things that you did not see the first time when rewatching
His style of filming and attention to small details is mysterious: Jacques Tati 1907-1982

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