

Geplaatst op vrijdag 24 februari 2023 @ 00:38 door -Postman- , 245 keer bekeken

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TV series 2021-current show | reality-TV


S01E01 Fit For Service

S01E02 One Brick at a Time

S01E03 Canine Quarantine

S01E04 Front of the Pack

S01E05 Pack Attack

S01E06 Blind Faith

S01E07 Twin Trouble

S01E08 Dogs v. Cats

S01E09 Tail End of Trauma

S01E10 Hijacked Pack


S02E01 Best Friend, Bodyguard

S02E02 Guard of the Yard

S02E03 Frozen in Fear

S02E04 Short Legs, Short Fuse

S02E05 10 Years to Life

S02E06 Dog Therapy

S02E07 Moving Forward

S02E08 Ticking Bomb

S02E09 Appetite for Destruction

S02E10 Silent Biter

S02E11 Avocado Aggression

S02E12 Unleash the Hulk


S03E01 Jurassic Pack (1)

S03E02 Jurassic Pack (2)

S03E03 In Sickness & Health

S03E04 Barking Mad

S03E05 Fighting Spirit

S03E06 Fighting Fear

S03E07 Bite Club

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:

Cesar Millan is back
With dog adoptions at a record high Cesar's timely return to television will give new pet parents the tools they need to teach their dogs good
habits and shed the old bad habits
From the yards of the pet owners, to his newly updated Dog Psychology Center, Cesar shows us the skills we need to create happy homes with our
furry best friends

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photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg

This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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