

Geplaatst op zondag 26 februari 2023 @ 13:59 door -Postman- , 257 keer bekeken

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TV series 2007-2017 | documentary, adventure, reality-TV | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Ready to Roll

S01E02 Destination: Diamond Mine

S01E03 Dash for the Cash

S01E04 The Big Chill

S01E05 Midseason Mayhem

S01E06 Driving on Thin Ice

S01E07 The Rookie Challenge

S01E08 Into the Whiteout

S01E09 The Big Melt

S01E10 The Final Run


S02E01 Edge of the Earth

S02E02 Mechanical Mayhem

S02E03 The Big Blizzard

S02E04 Arctic Whiteout

S02E05 Lost On The Ice

S02E06 Hundred Ton Haul

S02E07 Man Down

S02E08 A Trucker's Farewell

S02E09 A Rookie Fumbles

S02E10 Highway Maggots

S02E11 Man vs. Ice

S02E12 The Big Thaw

S02E13 The World Crumbles


S03E01 Deadliest Ice Road

S03E02 Rookie Run

S03E03 Canadian Invasion

S03E04 Blinding Whiteout

S03E05 Accident Alley

S03E06 Arctic Ice

S03E07 Wicked Weather

S03E08 Killer Pass

S03E09 Turn and Burn

S03E10 Ocean Run

S03E11 Busted Parts and Breakdowns

S03E12 Race for the Finish

S03E13 Arctic Thaw


S04E01 Breaking Through

S04E02 The Polar Bear Returns

S04E03 Facing Down the Blow

S04E04 Monster Storm Over Atigun

S04E05 Trapped on Thin Ice

S04E06 Danger at 55 Below

S04E07 Avalanche!

S04E08 Lisa's Monster Megahaul

S04E09 Blood on the Dalton

S04E10 The Ace vs. The Ice

S04E11 A Rookie's Nightmare

S04E12 The Dalton Strikes Back

S04E13 Convoy to Hell

S04E14 A Legend Meets His End

S04E15 Deadly Melt

S04E16 New King of the Dalton


S05E01 Pushing the Edge

S05E02 Ice Road Rage

S05E03 Wrong Turn & Burned

S05E04 Fire on Ice

S05E05 Under the Hammer

S05E06 The Braking Point

S05E07 A Banged-Up Job

S05E08 Meltdown!

S05E09 Road to Nowhere

S05E10 Rookie Rebellion

S05E11 Hittin' the Skids

S05E12 No More Mr. Nice Guy

S05E13 Ice Rogue Trucker

S05E14 The Heat is On

S05E15 Judgement Day

S05E16 The Last Dash


S06E01 The End Is the Beginning
S06E02 Welcome to the Club
S06E03 Alaska
S06E04 The Key
S06E05 Honey

S06E06 Bury Her Next to Jasper's Leg
S06E07 Damage from the Inside
S06E08 The Door
S06E09 Things Left to Do

S06E10 Handle with Care

S06E11 The Holding

S06E12 In Dreams

S06E13 J.D.

S06E14 Mother

S06E15 USS Pennsylvania

S06E16 The Beginning


S07E01 Collision Course

S07E02 Art Attack

S07E03 Fear the Crack

S07E04 Ice Rodeo

S07E05 World War Hugh

S07E06 Hail to the King

S07E07 Load Rules

S07E08 Art Of War

S07E09 Haul of the Wild

S07E10 Jagged Little Hill

S07E11 The Wrecking Crew

S07E12 Winter Takes All


Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....


brief summary:

Take a trip to Yellowknife, Canada to experience one of the most dangerous careers around. In unfathomably cold conditions, truck drivers haul
equipment and supplies to miners in the Canadian tundra in the dead of winter on a 350-mile highway of ice

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