

Geplaatst op zondag 05 maart 2023 @ 11:32 door -Postman- , 229 keer bekeken

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TV series 1962-1965 | crime, mystery, drama | remastered b/w | status: cancelled/ended


incomplete | missing episodes | we're busy filling in the gaps

S01E01 A Piece of the Action

S01E02 Don't Look Behind You

S01E03 Night of the Owl

S01E04 I Saw The Whole Thing


S01E05 Captive Audience

S01E09 The Black Curtain

S01E10 Day of Reckoning

S01E11 Ride the Nightmare

S01E12 Hangover

S01E13 Bonfire

S01E14 The Tender Poisoner

S01E16 What Really Happened

S01E17 Forecast Low Clouds and Coastal Fog

S01E18 A Tangled Web

S01E19 To Catch a Butterfly

S01E20 The Paragon

S01E21 I'll Be Judge I'll Be Jury

S01E22 Diagnosis Danger

S01E23 The Lonely Hours

S01E24 The Star Juror

S01E25 The Long Silence

S01E26 An Out for Oscar

S01E27 Death and the Joyful Woman

S01E28 Last Seen Wearing Blue Jeans

S01E29 The Dark Pool

S01E31 Run for Doom

S01E32 Death Of A Cop


S02E01 A Home Away from Home

S02E02 A Nice Touch

S02E03 Terror at Northfield

S02E04 You ll Be the Death of Me

S02E05 Blood Bargain

S02E06 Nothing Ever Happens in Linvale

S02E07 Starring the Defense

S02E08 The Cadaver

S02E09 The Dividing Wall

S02E10 Goodbye, George

S02E11 Consider Her Ways

S02E12 Three Wives Too Many

S02E13 The Magic Shop

S02E14 Beyond the Sea of Death

S02E15 Night Caller

S02E16 The Evil of Adelaide Winters

S02E17 The Jar

S02E18 Final Escape


S02E19 Murder Case

S02E21 Beast in View

S02E22 Behind the Locked Door

S02E23 A Matter of Murder

S02E24 The Gentleman Caller

S02E25 The Ordeal of Mrs. Snow

S02E26 Ten Minutes from Now

S02E27 The Sign of Satan

S02E28 Who Needs an Enemy?

S02E29 Bed of Roses

S02E30 Second Verdict

S02E31 Isabel

S02E32 Body in the Barn


S03E01 The Return of Verge Likens

S03E02 Change of Address

S03E03 Water's Edge

S03E04 The Life Work of Juan Diaz

S03E05 See the Monkey Dance

S03E06 Lonely Place

S03E07 The McGregor Affair

S03E08 Misadventure

S03E09 Triumph

S03E10 Memo from Purgatory

S03E11 Consider Her Ways

S03E12 The Crimson Witness

S03E13 Where the Woodbine Twineth

S03E14 The Final Performance

S03E15 Thanatos Palace Hotel

S03E16 One of the Family

S03E17 An Unlocked Window

S03E18 The Trap

S03E19 Wally the Beard

S03E20 Death Scene

S03E21 The Photographer and the Undertaker

S03E22 Thou Still Unravished Bride

S03E23 Completely Foolproof

S03E24 Power of Attorney

S03E25 The World's Oldest Motive

S03E26 The Monkey's Paw - A Retelling

S03E27 The Second Wife

S03E28 Night Fever

S03E29 Off Season

brief summary:

Master of the macabre Alfred Hitchcock introduces and concludes tales of suspense and crime

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We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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