

Geplaatst op zondag 05 november 2023 @ 17:26 door -Postman- , 200 keer bekeken

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TV series 1977-1984 | adventure, family, fantasy | status: cancelled/ended
seventies NTSC (US) converted to PAL (EU) not yet remastered/digitally restored


S01E01 Escape / Cinderella Girls

S01E02 Bet a Million / Mr. Irresistible

S01E03 The Prince / The Sheriff

S01E04 Family Reunion / Voodoo

S01E05 Lady of the Evening / The Racer

S01E06 Treasure Hunt / Beauty Contest

S01E07 The Funny Girl / Butch and Sundance

S01E08 Superstar / Salem

S01E09 Trouble, My Lovely / The Common Man

S01E10 The Over the Hill Caper / Poof! You're a Movie Star

S01E11 Reunion / Anniversary

S01E12 King for a Day / Instant Family

S01E13 Fool for a Client / Double Your Pleasure

S01E14 Call Me Lucky / Torch Song


S02E01 The Homecoming / The Sheikh

S02E02 The Big Dipper / The Pirate

S02E03 The Beachcomber / The Last Whodunit

S02E04 Best Seller / The Tomb

S02E05 I Want to Get Married / The Jewel Thief

S02E06 War Games / Queen of the Boston Bruisers

S02E07 Let the Goodtimes Roll / Nightmare / The Tiger

S02E08 Return / The Toughest Man Alive

S02E09 The Appointment / Mr. Tattoo

S02E10 The Flight of the Great Yellow Bird / The Island of Lost Women

S02E11 Carnival / The Vaudevillians

S02E12 Charlie's Cherubs / Stalag 3

S02E13 The Lady and the Longhorn / Vampire

S02E14 Seance / The Treasure

S02E15 Cowboy / Substitute Wife

S02E16 Photographs / Royal Flush

S02E17 The Stripper / The Boxer

S02E18 Pentagram / A Little Ball / Casting Director

S02E19 Spending Spree / The Hunted

S02E20 Birthday Party / Ghostbreaker

S02E21 Yesterday's Love / Fountain of Youth

S02E22 The Comic / The Golden Hour

S02E23 Cornelius and Alfonse / The Choice

S02E24 Bowling / Command Performance

S02E25 Amusement Park / Rock Stars


Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

S05E01 Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth

S05E02 A Farewell to Writing

S05E03 Uhny Uftz

S05E04 The Ugliest Dog in the World

S05E05 No Rice at My Wedding

S05E06 Draw Me a Pear

S05E07 The Great Petrie Fortune

S05E08 Odd But True

S05E09 Viva Petrie

S05E10 Go Tell the Birds and Bees

S05E11 Body and Sol

S05E12 See Rob Write, Write Rob, Write

S05E13 You're Under Arrest

S05E14 Fifty-Two, Forty-Five or Work

S05E15 Who Stole My Watch?

S05E16 I Do Not Choose to Run

S05E17 The Making of a Councilman

S05E18 The Curse of the Petrie People

S05E19 The Bottom of Mel Cooley's Heart

S05E20 Remember the Alimony

S05E21 Dear Sally Rogers

S05E22 Buddy Sorrell, Man and Boy

brief summary:

The mysterious Mr. Roarke runs a unique resort island in the Pacific Ocean that can fulfill any fantasy, but they rarely turn out as expected

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