

Geplaatst op maandag 29 januari 2024 @ 15:12 door -Postman- , 158 keer bekeken

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TV series 2010-2015 | crime, drama, fantasy, supernatural | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Welcome to Haven

S01E02 Butterfly

S01E03 Harmony

S01E04 Consumed

S01E05 Ball and Chain

S01E06 Fur

S01E07 Sketchy

S01E08 Ain't No Sunshine

S01E09 As You Were

S01E10 The Hand You're Dealt

S01E11 The Trial Of Audrey Parker

S01E12 Resurfacing

S01E13 Spiral


S02E01 A Tale of Two Audreys

S02E02 Fear & Loathing

S02E03 Love Machine

S02E04 Sparks and Recreation

S02E05 Roots

S02E06 Audrey Parker's Day Off

S02E07 The Tides That Bind

S02E08 Friend or Faux

S02E09 Lockdown

S02E10 Who, What, Where, Wendigo?

S02E11 Business as Usual

S02E12 Sins of the Fathers

S02E13 Silent Night


S03E01 301

S03E02 Stay

S03E03 The Farmer

S03E04 Over My Head

S03E05 Double Jeopardy

S03E06 Real Estate

S03E07 Magic Hour (1)

S03E08 Magic Hour (2)

S03E09 Sarah

S03E10 Burned

S03E11 Last Goodbyes

S03E12 Reunion

S03E13 Thanks for the Memories


S04E01 Fallout

S04E02 Survivors

S04E03 Bad Blood

S04E04 Lost and Found

S04E05 The New Girl

S04E06 Countdown

S04E07 Lay Me Down

S04E08 Crush

S04E09 William

S04E10 The Trouble With Troubles

S04E11 Shot in the Dark
S04E12 When the Bough Breaks

S04E13 The Lighthouse


S05E01 See No Evil

S05E02 Speak No Evil

S05E03 Spotlight

S05E04 Much Ado About Mara

S05E05 The Old Switcheroo (1)

S05E06 The Old Switcheroo (2)

S05E07 Nowhere Man

S05E08 Exposure

S05E09 Morbidity

S05E10 Mortality

S05E11 Reflections

S05E12 Chemistry

S05E13 Chosen

S05E14 New World Order

S05E15 Power

S05E16 The Trial of Nathan Wuornos

S05E17 Enter Sandman

S05E18 Wild Card

S05E19 Perditus

S05E20 Just Passing Through

S05E21 Close to Home

S05E22 A Matter of Time

S05E23 Blind Spot

S05E24 The Widening Gyre

S05E25 Now

S05E26 Forever

brief summary:
When shrewd and confident FBI Special Agent Audrey Parker arrives in the small town of Haven she soon finds herself caught up with the return of
"The Troubles", a plague of supernatural afflictions that occurred in the town at least once before
If that was not enough to draw her in, she also finds a link that may lead her to the mother she has never known

   Click here for Stephen King Movies

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