

Geplaatst op zaterdag 12 oktober 2024 @ 23:49 door -Postman- , 69 keer bekeken

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TV series  2000-2005 | action, adventure, drama, science fiction | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Under the Night (1)

S01E02 An Affirming Flame (2)

S01E03 To Loose the Fateful Lightning

S01E04 D Minus Zero

S01E05 Double Helix

S01E06 Angel Dark, Demon Bright

S01E02 An Affirming Flame (2)

S01E08 The Banks of the Lethe

S01E09 A Rose in the Ashes

S01E10 All Great Neptune's Ocean

S01E11 The Pearls That Were His Eyes

S01E12 The Mathematics of Tears

S01E13 Music of a Distant Drum

S01E14 Harper 2.0

S01E15 Forced Perspective

S01E16 The Sum of Its Parts

S01E17 Fear and Loathing in the Milky Way

S01E18 The Devil Take the Hindmost

S01E19 The Honey Offering

S01E20 Star-Crossed

S01E21 It Makes a Lovely Light

S01E22 Its Hour Come 'Round at Last (1)


S02E01 The Widening Gyre (2)

S02E02 Exit Strategies

S02E03 A Heart for Falsehood Framed

S02E04 Pitiless as the Sun

S02E05 Last Call at the Broken Hammer

S02E06 All Too Human

S02E07 Una Salus Victus

S02E08 Home Fires

S02E09 Into the Labyrinth

S02E10 The Prince

S02E11 Bunker Hill

S02E12 Ouroboros

S02E13 Lava and Rockets

S02E14 Be All My Sins Remembered

S02E15 Dance of the Mayflies

S02E16 In Heaven Now Are Three

S02E17 The Things We Cannot Change

S02E18 The Fair Unknown

S02E19 Belly of the Beast

S02E20 The Knight, Death, and the Devil

S02E21 Immaculate Perception

S02E22 Tunnel at the End of the Light (1)


S03E01 If the Wheel is Fixed (2)

S03E02 The Shards of Rimni

S03E03 Mad to Be Saved

S03E04 Cui Bono

S03E05 The Lone and Level Sands

S03E06 Slipfighter the Dogs of War

S03E07 The Leper's Kiss

S03E08 For Whom the Bell Tolls

S03E09 And Your Heart Will Fly Away

S03E10 The Unconquerable Man

S03E11 Delenda Est

S03E12 The Dark Backward

S03E13 The Risk-All Point

S03E14 The Right Horse

S03E15 What Happens to a Rev Deferred?

S03E16 Point of the Spear

S03E17 Vault of the Heavens

S03E18 Deep Midnight's Voice

S03E19 The Illusion of Majesty

S03E20 Twilight of the Idols

S03E21 Day of Judgement, Day of Wrath

S03E22 Shadows Cast by a Final Salute (1)


S04E01 Answers Given to Questions Never Asked (2)

S04E02 Pieces of Eight

S04E03 Waking the Tyrant's Device

S04E04 Double or Nothingness

S04E05 Harper/Delete

S04E06 Soon the Nearing Vortex (1)

S04E07 The World Turns All Around Her (2)

S04E08 Conduit to Destiny

S04E09 Machinery of the Mind

S04E10 Exalted Reason, Resplendent Daughter

S04E11 The Torment, the Release

S04E12 The Spider's Stratagem

S04E13 The Warmth of an Invisible Light

S04E14 The Others

S04E15 Fear Burns Down to Ashes

S04E16 Lost in a Space That Isn't There

S04E17 Abridging the Devil's Divide

S04E18 Trusting the Gordian Maze

S04E19 A Symmetry of Imperfection

S04E20 Time Out of Mind

S04E21 The Dissonant Interval (1)

S04E22 The Dissonant Interval (2)


S05E01 The Weight (1)

S05E02 The Weight (2)

S05E03 Phear Phactor Phenom

S05E04 Decay of the Angel

S05E05 The Eschatology of Our Present

S05E06 When Goes Around...

S05E07 Attempting Screed

S05E08 So Burn the Untamed Lands

S05E09 What Will Be Was Not

S05E10 The Test

S05E11 Through a Glass Darkly

S05E12 Pride Before the Fall

S05E13 Moonlight Becomes You

S05E14 Past is Prolix

S05E15 The Opposites of Attraction

S05E16 Saving Light from a Black Sun

S05E17 Totaled Recall

S05E18 Quantum Tractate Delirium

S05E19 One More Day's Light (1)

S05E20 Chaos and the Stillness of It (2)

S05E21 The Heart of the Journey (1)

S05E22 The Heart of the Journey (2)


brief summary:
Captain Dylan Hunt and the crew of the Andromeda Ascendant set out on a mission to rebuild the Systems Commonwealth 300 years after its fall

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