

Geplaatst op zondag 24 november 2024 @ 14:14 door -Postman- , 40 keer bekeken

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TV series 1999-2002 | action, adventure, fantasy, mystery, science fiction | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Buddha's Bowl

S01E02 Smoking Gun

S01E03 The Headless Nun

S01E04 Flag Day

S01E05 Thank You Very Much

S01E06 Diamond in the Rough

S01E07 Transformation

S01E08 Etched in Stone

S01E09 The Book of Love

S01E10 The Myth of the Maze

S01E11 Irish Crown Affair

S01E12 The Emperor's Bride

S01E13 Afterlife and Death

S01E14 Nine Lives

S01E15 Affaire de Coeur

S01E16 A Vanishing Art

S01E17 A Good Year

S01E18 The Last Knight

S01E19 Love Letter

S01E20 Possessed

S01E21 Nothing but the Truth

S01E22 Memories of Montmartre


S02E01 The Put Back

S02E02 Dagger of Death

S02E03 Last of the Mochicas

S02E04 The Legend of the Lost

S02E05 Fertile Ground

S02E06 Gypsy Jigsaw
S02E07 Three Rivers to Cross
S02E08 Roman Holiday
S02E09 Cross of Voodoo
S02E10 Lost Contact
S02E11 The Reel Thing

S02E12 M.I.A.
S02E13 Out of the Past
S02E14 Eyes of Toklamanee
S02E15 Run Sydney Run
S02E16 French Connection

S02E17 Don't Go Into the Woods

S02E18 Midnight Flight

S02E19 The Executioner's Mask

S02E20 The Royal Ring

S02E21 Set in Stone

S02E22 Deadline


S03E01 Wages of Sydney

S03E02 Mr. Right

S03E03 Sydney at Ten

S03E04 The Light of Truth

S03E05 Treasure Island

S03E06 Star of Nadir

S03E07 Vampire's Kiss
S03E08 Devil Doll
S03E09 Incognito
S03E10 All Choked Up
S03E11 Warlock of Nu Theta Phi
S03E12 Women Want to Know

S03E13 Fire in the Sky

S03E14 Hunting with the Enemy

S03E15 Antianeiral

S03E16 Under the Ice

S03E17 Arthur's Cross

S03E18 Faux Fox

S03E19 Pandora's Box

S03E20 The Warlord

S03E21 Fountain of Youth

S03E22 So Shall it Be

brief summary:

Sydney Fox is a professor and globe-trotting 'relic hunter' who looks for ancient artifacts to return to museums and/or the descendants of the original owner
She is aided by her linguistic assistant Nigel and occasionally by her somewhat air-headed secretary Claudia
She often ends up battling rival hunters seeking out artifacts for the money
(* like a kind of Indiana Jane ..... Jones' sister)

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