

Geplaatst op woensdag 01 september 2021 @ 16:11 door -Postman- , 378 keer bekeken

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TV series 2004-2015
| crime, mystery, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E00 (Pilot) The Chinese Job

S01E01 ID Parade

S01E02 Painting on Loan

S01E03 1984

S01E04 Good Work Rewarded

S01E05 Home Truths

S01E06 Talking to the Dead


S02E01 A Delicate Touch

S02E02 Family Business

S02E03 Trust Me

S02E04 Old and Cold

S02E05 Creative Problem Solving

S02E06 Eyes Down for a Full House

S02E07 Fluke of Luck

S02E08 17 Years of Nothing


S03E01 Lady's Pleasure

S03E02 Dockers

S03E03 Old Dogs

S03E04 Diamond Geezers

S03E05 Wicca Work

S03E06 Bank Robbery

S03E07 Ice Cream Wars

S03E08 Congratulations


S04E01 Casualty

S04E02 God's Waiting Room

S04E03 Ducking and Diving

S04E04 Nine Lives

S04E05 Powerhouse

S04E06 Buried Treasure

S04E07 Father's Pride

S04E08 Big Topped


S05E01 Spare Parts

S05E02 Final Curtain

S05E03 A Face for Radio

S05E04 Loyalties and Royalties

S05E05 Couldn't Organise One

S05E06 Magic Majestic

S05E07 Communal Living

S05E08 Mad Dogs


S06E1 The War Against Drugs

S06E02 The Truth Is Out There

S06E03 Fresh Starts

S06E04 Shadow Show

S06E05 Death of a Timeshare Salesman

S06E06 The Last Laugh

S06E07 Blood Is Thicker Than Water

S06E08 Meat Is Murder


S07E01 Dead Man Talking

S07E02 It Smells of Books

S07E03 Left Field

S07E04 Dark Chocolate

S07E05 Good Morning Lemmings

S07E06 Fashion Victim

S07E07 Where There's Smoke

S07E08 Coming Out Ball

S07E09 Gloves Off

S07E10 The Fourth Man


S08E01 Old Fossils

S08E02 End of the Line

S08E03 Lost in Translation

S08E04 Setting Out Your Stall

S08E05 Moving Target

S08E06 Object of Desire

S08E07 The Gentleman Vanishes

S08E08 Only the Brave

S08E09 Half Life

S08E10 Tiger Tiger


S09E01 A Death in the Family

S09E02 Old School Ties

S09E03 Queen and Country

S09E04 The Girl Who Lived

S09E05 Body of Evidence

S09E06 Love Means Nothing in Tennis

S09E07 Dead Poets

S09E08 Blue Flower

S09E09 Part of a Whole

S09E10 Glasgow UCOS


S10E01 The Rock: Part One

S10E02 The Rock: Part Two

S10E03 The Sins of the Father

S10E04 The Little Brother

S10E05 Cry Me a River

S10E06 Into the Woods

S10E07 Things Can Only Get Better

S10E08 The One That Got Away

S10E09 Roots

S10E10 Wild Justice


S11E01 Bermondsey Boy

S11E02 Tender Loving Care

S11E03 Deep Swimming

S11E04 Ghosts

S11E05 London Underground

S11E06 Romans Ruined

S11E07 In Vino Veritas

S11E08 The English Defence

S11E09 Breadcrumbs

S11E10 The Queen's Speech


S12E01 Last Man Standing: Part One

S12E02 Last Man Standing: Part Two

S12E03 The Curate's Egg

S12E04 The Wolf of Wallbrook

S12E05 Prodigal Sons

S12E06 The Fame Game

S12E07 The Russian Cousin

S12E08 Lottery Curse

S12E09 Life Expectancy

S12E10 The Crazy Gang

brief summary:
A group of retired cops are called back into action as a unit to give new attention to unsolved old cases

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