

Geplaatst op zondag 29 mei 2022 @ 20:58 door -Postman- , 493 keer bekeken

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TV series 2019-current show | fantasy drama, thriller, supernatural | status: coancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 The Secret of the Old Morgue
S01E03 The Curse of the Dark Storm
S01E04 The Haunted Ring

S01E05 The Case of the Wayward Spirit
S01E06 The Mystery of Blackwood Lodge
S01E07 The Tale of the Fallen Sea Queen

S01E08 The Path of Shadows

S01E09 The Hidden Staircase

S01E10 The Mark of the Poisoner's Pearl

S01E11 The Phantom of Bonny Scot

S01E12 The Lady of Larkspur Lane

S01E13 The Whisper Box

S01E14 The Sign of the Uninvited Guest

S01E15 The Terror of Horseshoe Bay

S01E16 The Haunting of Nancy Drew

S01E17 The Girl in the Locket

S01E18 The Clue in the Captain's Painting


S02E01 The Search for the Midnight Wraith
S02E02 The Reunion of Lost Souls
S02E03 The Secret of Solitary Scribe

S02E04 The Fate of the Buried Treasure
S02E05 The Drowned Woman
S02E06 The Riddle of the Broken Doll

S02E07 The Legend of the Murder Hotel
S02E08 The Quest for the Spider Sapphire
S02E09 The Bargain of the Blood Shroud

S02E10 The Spell of the Burning Bride
S02E11 The Scourge of the Forgotten Rune
S02E12 The Trail of the Missing Witness

S02E13 The Beacon of Moonstone Island

S02E14 The Siege of the Unseen Specter

S02E15 The Celestial Visitor

S02E16 The Purloined Keys

S02E17 The Judgement of the Perilous Captive

S02E18 The Echo of Lost Tears


S03E01 The Warning of the Frozen Heart

S03E02 The Journey of the Dangerous Mind

S03E03 The Testimony of the Executed Man

S03E04 The Demon of Piper Beach

S03E05 The Vision of the Birchwood Prisoner

S03E06 The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter

S03E07 The Gambit of the Tangled Souls
S03E08 The Burning of the Sorrows
S03E09 The Voices in the Frost

S03E10 The Confession of the Long Night

S03E11 The Spellbound Juror

S03E12 The Witch Tree Symbol

S03E13 The Ransom of the Forsaken Soul


S04E01 The Dilemma of the Lover's Curse

S04E02 The Maiden's Rage

S04E03 The Danger of the Hopeful Sigil

S04E04 The Return of the Killer's Hook

S04E05 The Oracle of the Whispering Remains

S04E06 The Web of Yesterdays

S04E07 The Reaping of Hollow Oak

S04E08 The Crooked Banister

S04E09 The Memory of the Stolen Soul

S04E10 The Ballad of Lives Forgone

S04E11 The Sinner's Sacrifice

S04E12 The Heartbreak of Truth

S04E13 The Light Between Lives

brief summary:
18-year-old Nancy Drew thought she’d be leaving her hometown for college, but when a family tr

agedy strikes and holds her back another year,
she finds herself embroiled in a ghostly murder investigation that uncover secrets that run deep in her hometown of Horseshoe Bay, Maine

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