

Geplaatst op donderdag 16 december 2021 @ 01:57 door -Postman- , 457 keer bekeken

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TV series 2009-2014 | drama, science fiction | high definition | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 Resonance

S01E03 Magnetism

S01E04 Claudia

S01E05 Elements

S01E06 Burnout

S01E07 Implosion

S01E08 Duped

S01E09 Regrets

S01E10 Breakdown

S01E11 Nevermore

S01E12 MacPherson


S02E01 Time Will Tell
S02E02 Mild Mannered
S02E03 Beyond Our Control
S02E04 Age Before Beauty
S02E05 13.1
S02E06 Around the Bend

S02E07 For the Team

S02E08 Merge with Caution

S02E09 Vendetta

S02E10 When and Where

S02E11 Buried

S02E12 Reset


S03E01 The New Guy

S03E02 Trials

S03E03 Love Sick

S03E04 Queen for a Day

S03E05 3... 2... 1...

S03E06 Don't Hate the Player

S03E07 Past Imperfect

S03E08 The 40th Floor

S03E09 Shadows

S03E10 Insatiable

S03E11 Emily Lake

S03E12 Stand


S04E01 A New Hope

S04E02 An Evil Within

S04E03 Personal Effects

S04E04 There's Always a Downside

S04E05 No Pain, No Gain

S04E06 Fractures
S04E07 Endless Wonder
S04E08 Second Chance
S04E09 The Ones You Love
S04E10 We All Fall Down

S04E11 The Living and the Dead

S04E12 Parks and Rehabilitation

S04E13 The Big Snag

S04E14 The Sky's the Limit

>S04E15 Instinct

S04E16 Runaway

S04E17 What Matters Most

S04E18 Lost & Found

S04E19 All the Time in the World

S04E20 The Truth Hurts


S05E01 Endless Terror

S05E02 Secret Services

S05E03 A Faire to Remember

S05E04 Savage Seduction

S05E05 Cangku Shisi

S05E06 Endless

brief summary:
Secret Service agents maintain a secret storage facility housing dangerous paranormal artifacts

After saving the life of the President in Washington D.C., a pair of U.S Secret Service agents are whisked away to a covert location in South Dakota
that houses supernatural objects that the U.S. Government has collected over the centuries
Their new assignment: retrieve some of the missing objects and investigate reports of new ones

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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