

Geplaatst op dinsdag 30 april 2024 @ 23:49 door -Postman- , 237 keer bekeken

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TV series 2014-current show | drama, family, historie, romance, western | status: on hiatus


S01E01 Lost and Found

S01E02 Cease and Desist

S01E03 A Telling Silence

S01E04 Secrets and Lies

S01E05 The Dance

S01E06 These Games

S01E07 Second Chances

S01E08 Perils of the Soloists

S01E09 Change of Heart

S01E10 Love Comes First

S01E11 Rules of Engagement

S01E12 Prelude to a Kiss


S02E01 Trials of the Heart

S02E02 Heart and Soul

S02E03 Heart's Desire

S02E04 Awakenings & Revelations

S02E05 Heart and Home

S02E06 Coming Together, Coming Apart

S02E07 With All My Heart


S03E01 Troubled Hearts

S03E02 A Time to Speak

S03E03 Heart of a Hero

S03E04 A Gentle Heart

S03E05 Forever in My Heart

S03E06 Heartbreak

S03E07 Hearts in Question

S03E08 Prayers from the Heart


S04E01 Words from the Heart

S04E02 Heart of Truth

S04E03 The Heart of the Community

S04E04 Change of Heart

S04E05 Heart of a Teacher

S04E06 My Heart Will Go On

S04E07 Healing Heart

S04E08 Courageous Hearts

S04E09 Heart of a Secret

S04E10 Heart of a Fighter


S05E01 Believing

S05E02 Hearts and Minds

S05E03 Home is Where the Heart Is

S05E04 Open Hearts

S05E05 My Heart is Yours

S05E06 Love and Marriage

S05E07 Heart of the Matter

S05E08 Weather the Storm

S05E09 In My Dreams

S05E10 Close to My Heart


S06E01 Phone Rings and Heart Strings

S06E02 The Queen of Hearts

S06E03 A Vote of Confidence

S06E04 Heart of a Mountie

S06E05 Surprise

S06E06 Disputing Hearts

S06E07 Hope is with the Heart

S06E08 A Call from the Past

S06E09 Two of Hearts


S07E01 A Moving Picture

S07E02 The Heart of a Father

S07E03 Family Matters

S07E04 Sweet and Sour

S07E05 An Unexpected Gift

S07E06 In Perfect Unity

S07E07 Heart of a Writer

S07E08 Into the Woods

S07E09 New Possibilities

S07E10 Don't Go


S08E01 Open Season

S08E02 Honestly, Elizabeth

S08E03 From the Ashes

S08E04 Welcome to Hope Valley

S08E05 What the Heart Wants

S08E06 No Regrets

S08E07 Before My Very Eyes

S08E08 A Parade and a Charade

S08E09 Pre-Wedding Jitters

S08E10 Old Love, New Love, Is This True Love

S08E11 Changing Times

S08E12 The Kiss


S09E01 In Like a Lion

S09E02 Out Like a Lamb

S09E03 Turn of the Page

S09E04 Straight from the Heart

S09E05 Journey into the Light

S09E06 Past, Present, Future

S09E07 Hope Valley Days (1)

S09E08 Hope Valley Days (2)

S09E09 Recent Memory

S09E10 Never Say Never

S09E11 Smoke on the Water

S09E12 Rock, A Bye, Baby


S10E01 Carpe Diem

S10E02 Hope Springs

S10E03 Oh, Baby

S10E04 Great Expectations

S10E05 Life is But a Dream

S10E06 The Heart of the Problem
S10E07 Best Laid Plans
S10E08 What Is and What Should Never Be
S10E09 Deep Water
S10E10 All Dressed Up

S10E11 Long Time Running

S10E12 Starry Nights


S11E01 When Stars Align

S11E02 Tomorrow Never Knows

S11E03 Steps Forward

S11E04 Along Came a Spider

S11E05 Stronger Together

S11E06 Believe

S11E07 Facing the Music

S11E08 Brother's Keeper

S11E09 Truth Be Told

S11E10 What Goes Around

S11E11 Run to You

S11E12 Anything for Love


S12E01 The Mountie Way

S12E02 You Get What You Give

S12E03 All That Glitters

S12E04 Dancing Teens

S12E05 Mom's the Word

S12E06 When Autumn Leaves Begin to Fall

S12E07 Dance the Night Away

S12E08 The Show Must Go On

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....


brief summary:

Elizabeth Thatcher, a young schoolteacher from a wealthy Eastern family, migrates from the big city to teach school in a small coal mining town
in the west

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