

Geplaatst op donderdag 23 december 2021 @ 22:55 door -Postman- , 363 keer bekeken

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TV series 1973-1978 | action, crime, drama, mystery | status: cancelled/ended
 seventies NTSC (US) converted to PAL (EU) not yet remastered/digitally restored


S01E01 Siege of Terror
S01E02 Web of Death
S01E03 One for the Morgue
S01E04 Knockover
S01E05 Girl in the River
S01E06 Requiem for a Cop

S01E07 The Corrupter

S01E08 Dark Sunday

S01E09 Conspiracy of Fear

S01E10 Cop in a Cage

S01E11 Marker to a Dead Bookie

S01E12 Last Rites for a Dead Priest

S01E13 Death is Not a Passing Grade

S01E14 Die Before They Wake

S01E15 Deliver Us Some Evil

S01E16 Eighteen Hours of Fear

S01E17 Before the Devil Knows

S01E18 Dead on His Feet

S01E19 Down a Long and Lonely River

S01E20 Mojo

S01E21 Therapy in Dynamite

S01E22 The Only Way Out


S02E01 The Chinatown Murders (1)

S02E02 The Chinatown Murders (2)

S02E03 Hush Now, Don't You Die

S02E04 A Very Deadly Game

S02E05 Wall Street Gunslinger

S02E06 Slay Ride

S02E07 Nursemaid

S02E08 You Can't Tell a Hurt Man How to Holler

S02E09 The Best Judge Money Can Buy

S02E10 A Souvenir from Atlantic City

S02E11 A Killing in the Second House

S02E12 The Best War in Town

S02E13 Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die

S02E14 The Betrayal

S02E15 Loser Takes All

S02E16 Close Cover Before Killing

S02E17 Acts of Desperate Men

S02E18 Queen of the Gypsies

S02E19 Night of the Piraeus

S02E20 Elegy in an Asphalt Graveyard

S02E21 The Good Luck Bomber

S02E22 Unwanted Partners

S02E23 Two-Four-Six for Two Hundred

S02E24 The Trade-Off

S02E25 I Want to Report a Dream


S03E01 A Question of Answers (1)

S03E02 A Question of Answers (2)

S03E03 My Brother, My Enemy

S03E04 Sweeter Than Life

S03E05 Be Careful What You Pray For

S03E06 Secret Snow, Deadly Snow

S03E07 Life, Liberation and the Pursuit of Death

S03E08 Out of the Frying Pan...

S03E09 Over the Water

S03E10 The Nicest Guys on the Block

S03E11 No Immunity for Murder

S03E12 A Long Way from Times Square

S03E13 Money Back Guarantee

S03E14 A House of Prayer, a Den of Thieves

S03E15 How Cruel the Frost, How Bright the Stars

S03E16 The Forgotten Room

S03E17 On the Edge

S03E18 A Wind from Corsica

S03E19 Bad Dude
S03E20 A Grave Too Soon
S03E21 The Frame
S03E22 Deadly Innocence
S03E23 Justice Deferred
S03E24 Both Sides of the Law


S04E01 Birthday Party

S04E02 A Summer Madness

S04E03 Law Dance

S04E04 Out of the Shadows

S04E05 A Need to Know

S04E06 An Unfair Trade
S04E07 A Hair-Trigger Away
S04E08 By Silence Betrayed
S04E09 A Shield for Murder 1
S04E10 A Shield for Murder 2

S04E11 The Pride and the Princess

S04E12 Black Thorn

S04E13 Where Do You Go When You Have No Place to Go?

S04E14 Dead Again

S04E15 The Godson

S04E16 The Condemned

S04E17 When You Hear the Beep, Drop Dead

S04E18 I Was Happy Where I Was

S04E19 Kojak's Days (1)

S04E20 Kojak's Days (2)

S04E21 Monkey on a String

S04E22 Kiss It All Goodbye

S04E23 Lady in the Squad Room

S04E24 Sister Maria

S04E25 Another Gypsy Queen


S05E01 The Queen of Hearts is Wild

S05E02 A Strange Kind of Love

S05E03 Laid Off

S05E04 Cry for the Kids

S05E05 Once More from Birdland

S05E06 Caper on a Quiet Street

S05E07 Letters of Death

S05E08 Tears for All Who Loved Her

S05E09 The Summer of '69 (1)

S05E10 The Summer of '69 (2)

S05E11 Case Without a File

S05E12 I Could Kill My Wife's Lawyer

S05E13 Justice for All

S05E14 Mouse

S05E15 Chain of Custody

S05E16 The Captain's Brother's Wife

S05E17 No License to Kill

S05E18 The Halls of Terror

S05E19 May the Horse Be With You

S05E20 Photos Must Credit Joe Paxton

S05E21 60 Miles to Hell

S05E22 In Full Command

brief summary:
An independent-minded police detective solves crimes on the streets of New York City


A bald, lollipop sucking police detective with a fiery righteous attitude battles crime in his city

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