

Geplaatst op zondag 15 mei 2022 @ 16:53 door -Postman- , 372 keer bekeken

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TV series 1972-1986 | action, martial arts, western, drama | status: cancelled/ended

S01E01 King of the Mountain

S01E02 Dark Angel

S01E03 Blood Brother

S01E04 An Eye for an Eye

S01E05 The Tide

S01E06 The Soul is the Warrior

S01E07 Nine Lives

S01E08 Sun and Cloud Shadow

S01E09 Chains

S01E10 Alethea

S01E11 The Praying Mantis Kills

S01E12 Superstition

S01E13 The Stone

S01E14 The Third Man

S01E15 The Ancient Warrior


S02E01 The Well

S02E02 The Assassin

S02E03 The Chalice

S02E04 The Brujo

S02E05 The Spirit Helper

S02E06 The Squaw Man

S02E07 The Salamander

S02E08 The Tong

S02E09 The Soldier

S02E10 The Hoots

S02E11 The Elixir

S02E12 The Gunman

S02E13 Empty Pages of a Dead Book

S02E14 A Dream Within a Dream

S02E15 The Way of Violence Has No Mind

S02E16 In Uncertain Bondage

S02E17 Night of the Owls, Day of the Doves
S02E18 Crossties
S02E19 The Passion of Chen Yi
S02E20 Arrogant Dragon
S02E21 The Nature of Evil

S02E22 The Cenotaph (1)

S02E23 The Cenotaph (2)


S03E01 Blood of the Dragon (1)

S03E02 Blood of the Dragon (2)

S03E03 A Small Beheading

S03E04 This Valley of Terror

S03E05 The Predators

S03E06 My Brother, My Executioner

S03E07 Cry of the Night Beast

S03E08 The Devil's Champion

S03E09 The Garments of Rage

S03E10 Besieged (1): Death on Cold Mountain

S03E11 Besieged (2): Cannon at the Gates

S03E12 The Demon God

S03E13 The Vanishing Image

S03E14 A Lamb to the Slaughter

S03E15 The Forbidden Kingdom

S03E16 One Step to Darkness

S03E17 Battle Hymn

S03E18 Barbary House

S03E19 Flight to Orion

S03E20 The Brothers Caine

S03E21 Full Circle

S03E22 The Thief of Chendo

S03E23 Ambush

S03E24 The Last Raid

brief summary:

Kwai Chang Caine, the half-American Buddhist monk from China, wandering the American West as a wanted fugitive, befriends a homeless boy,
foils a bounty hunter, and experiences the pain of love

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