

Geplaatst op vrijdag 14 januari 2022 @ 11:01 door -Postman- , 400 keer bekeken

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    TV series 2018-current show | fantasy, drama, supernatural | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 Let This Mother Out

S01E03 Sweet Tooth

S01E04 Exorcise Your Demons

S01E05 Other Woman

S01E06 Kappa Spirit

S01E07 Out of Scythe
S01E08 Bug a Boo
S01E09 Jingle Hell
S01E10 Keep Calm and Harry On
S01E11 Witch Perfect
S01E12 You're Dead to Me

S01E13 Manic Pixie Nightmare

S01E14 Touched by a Demon

S01E15 Switches & Stones

S01E16 Memento Mori

S01E17 Surrender

S01E18 The Replacement

S01E19 Source Material

S01E20 Ambush

S01E21 Red Rain

S01E22 The Source Awakens


S02E01 Safe Space

S02E02 Things to Do in Seattle When You're Dead

S02E03 Careful What You Witch For

S02E04 Deconstructing Harry

S02E05 The Truth About Kat and Dogs

S02E06 When Sparks Fly

S02E07 Past is Present

S02E08 The Rules of Engagement

S02E09 Guess Who's Coming to SafeSpace Seattle

S02E10 Curse Words

S02E11 Dance Like No One is Witching

S02E12 Needs to Know

S02E13 Breaking the Cycle

S02E14 Sudden Death

S02E15 Third Time's the Charm

S02E16 The Enemy of My Frenemy

S02E17 Search Party

S02E18 Don't Look Back in Anger

S02E19 Unsafe Space


brief summary:
Mel and Maggie Vera suffer a shock when their mother dies suddenly, but before they have time to heal from their loss, another surprise shows up on
their doorstep in the shape of an older sister -- brilliant geneticist Macy -- whom their mother never told them existed
The emotional stress takes its toll and the girls begin to exhibit impossible new abilities
An explanation comes from an unexpected place: the new chair of the women's studies department
Harry Greenwood reveals that the three are powerful witches, and he is their whitelighter, there to advise and guide them as they battle dark forces

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We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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