

Geplaatst op woensdag 19 januari 2022 @ 01:39 door -Postman- , 377 keer bekeken

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TV series 2004-2012 | crime, comedy, mystery, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The Con is On

S01E02 Faking It

S01E03 Picture Perfect

S01E04 Cops and Robbers

S01E05 A Touch of Class

S01E06 The Last Gamble


S02E01 Gold Mine

S02E02 Confessions

S02E03 The Lesson

S02E04 Missions

S02E05 Old Acquaintance

S02E06 Eye of the Beholder


S03E01 Price for Fame

S03E02 Albert's Challenge

S03E03 Ties That Bind Us

S03E04 A Bollywood Dream

S03E05 The Hustler's News of Today

S03E06 Law and Corruption


S04E01 As One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest, One Flew In

S04E02 Signing Up to Wealth

S04E03 Getting Even

S04E04 A Designer's Paradise

S04E05 Conning the Artists

S04E06 Big Daddy Calling


S05E01 Return of the Prodigal

S05E02 New Recruits

S05E03 Lest Ye Be Judged

S05E04 Diamond Seeker

S05E05 Politics

S05E06 The Road Less Travelled


S06E01 And This Little Piggy Had Money

S06E02 The Thieving Mistake

S06E03 Tiger Troubles

S06E04 The Father of Jewels

S06E05 Conned Out of Luck

S06E06 The Hush Heist


S07E01 Silent Witness

S07E02 Old Sparks Come New

S07E03 Clearance from a Deal

S07E04 Benny's Funeral

S07E05 The Fall of Railton FC

S07E06 The Delivery


S08E01 Gold Finger

S08E02 Picasso Finger Painting

S08E03 Curiosity Caught the Kat

S08E04 Eat Yourself Slender

S08E05 Ding Dong That's My Song

S08E06 The Con is Off

brief summary:
A motley group of London con artists pull of a series of daring and intricate stings

An action-packed blend of humour and intrigue, following the fortunes of a gang of expert cons on the loose in London
They are specialists in the way of the grifter and all are keen to liberate cash from the amoral and undeserving
From faking film sets and expensive paintings to double-crossing the duplicitous head of a bank's security system... THE CON IS ON

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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