

Geplaatst op woensdag 11 januari 2023 @ 21:49 door -Postman- , 403 keer bekeken

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TV series 2019-current show | crime, drama, mystery | status: on hiatus


S01E01 The Hunt

S01E02 Fearless Freaks

S01E03 Haunted by the Past

S01E04 School Daze

S01E05 The Pet Sitter

S01E06 Murder, She Thought

S01E07 Trial and Error

S01E08 Fast Eddie's

S01E09 The Mourning Show

S01E10 Art of Darkness

S01E11 Bad Water Rising

S01E12 A Cult Education

S01E13 The Rex Files


S02E01 A Man Of Consequences

S02E02 Over Ice

S02E03 Blind Justice

S02E04 Strangers in the Night

S02E05 Dead Man Walking

S02E06 Under the Influencer
S02E07 The Woods Have Eyes
S02E08 Game of Bones
S02E09 Bullet in the Water

S02E10 The French Connection

S02E11 Rex Machina

S02E12 Rex and the City

S02E13 In Pod We Trust

S02E14 Tunnel Vision

S02E15 Finger Foodie

S02E16 Flare of the Dog

S02E17 The Graveyard Shift

S02E18 Old Dog New Trick

S02E19 In a Family Way


S03E01 Origin Story

S03E02 Manhunt

S03E03 Into the Wild

S03E04 Under Pressure

S03E05 Prescription Rex

S03E06 Endless Summer

S03E07 All in the Litter

S03E08 Sleeping Beauty

S03E09 Grave Matters

S03E10 Fanning the Flames

S03E11 Blood on the Tracks

S03E12 Top Dog

S03E13 Mansion on a Hill

S03E14 The Secret Life of Levi

S03E15 Seeing is Deceiving

S03E16 The Art of the Steal


S04E01 Sid and Nancy

S04E02 Oops I Bit It Again

S04E03 Rex Marks the Spot

S04E04 Leader of the Pack

S04E05 Rex to Riches

S04E06 Dead Man's Bridge

S04E07 A Stab in the Dark Web

S04E08 Sudden Death

S04E09 Impawster Syndrome

S04E10 Blood & Diamonds

S04E11 Capital Punishment

S04E12 No Man Is an Island

S04E13 Roses of Signal Hill

S04E14 Roll the Bones

S04E15 Nightmare on Water St.

S04E16 Dog Days are Over


S05E01 Lost in the Barrens

S05E02 Punch Drunk Glove

S05E03 Run, Donovan, Run

S05E04 Hand of Cod

S05E05 The Good Shepherd

S05E06 Den of Snakes

S05E07 The Date Escape

S05E08 Bury the Lead

S05E09 The Rexpert Witness

S05E10 One Wild Night

S05E11 Working for the Weekend

S05E12 Lost Lives Club

S05E13 The Miranda Act

S05E14 Rexit, Stage Left

S05E15 Northern Rexposure

S05E16 Due North

S05E17 Lost and Found

S05E18 Jail Break

S05E19 The Cook, the Chief, the Cop and His Lover

S05E20 One for the road


S06E01 Ghost Ship

S06E02 The Good, the Bad, and the Rex

S06E03 Hound & Vision

S06E04 Hour of the Dog

S06E05 Hero by Night

S06E06 Claws Out

S06E07 Dancer, Traitor, Shepherd, Spy

S06E08 Doghouse

S06E09 Hudson and Son

S06E10 Who's Your Caddy?

S06E11 Dog and Pony Show

S06E12 Bark and Bite

S06E13 Dogged Pursuit

S06E14 Death on the Doorstep

S06E15 Wag the Dog

S06E16 Rex, Drugs and Rock & Roll


S07E1 Double Dog Dare

S07E2 A Room with a Clue

S07E3 Shuck Everlasting

S07E4 K9: The Rext Generation

S07E5 In From the Cold

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:

Detective Charlie Hudson teams up with what he calls his "highly trained law enforcement animal" German Shepherd dog named Rex who he prefers to team up
with because he doesn't talk his ear off

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