

Geplaatst op woensdag 09 maart 2022 @ 22:35 door -Postman- , 389 keer bekeken

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TV series 1993-1999 | science fiction, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Emissary

S01E02 Past Prologue

S01E03 A Man Alone

S01E04 Babel

S01E05 Captive Pursuit

S01E06 Q-Less

S01E07 Dax

S01E08 The Passenger

S01E09 Move Along Home

S01E10 The Nagus

S01E11 Vortex

S01E12 Battle Lines

S01E13 The Storyteller

S01E14 Progress
S01E15 If Wishes Were Horses
S01E16 The Forsaken
S01E17 Dramatis Personae
S01E18 Duet

S01E19 In the Hands of the Prophets


S02E01 The Homecoming

S02E02 The Circle

S02E03 The Siege

S02E04 Invasive Procedures

S02E05 Cardassians

S02E06 Melora

S02E07 Rules of Acquisition

S02E08 Necessary Evil

S02E09 Second Sight

S02E10 Sanctuary

S02E11 Rivals

S02E12 The Alternate

S02E13 Armageddon Game

S02E14 Whispers

S02E15 Paradise

S02E16 Shadowplay

S02E17 Playing God

S02E18 Profit and Loss

S02E19 Blood Oath

S02E20 The Maquis, Part I

S02E21 The Maquis, Part II

S02E22 The Wire

S02E23 Crossover

S02E24 The Collaborator

S02E25 Tribunal

S02E26 The Jem'Hadar


S03E01 The Search, Part I

S03E02 The Search, Part II

S03E03 The House of Quark

S03E04 Equilibrium

S03E05 Second Skin

S03E06 The Abandoned

S03E07 Civil Defense

S03E08 Meridian

S03E09 Defiant

S03E10 Fascination

S03E11 Past Tense, Part I

S03E12 Past Tense, Part II

S03E13 Life Support

S03E14 Heart of Stone

S03E15 Destiny

S03E16 Prophet Motive

S03E17 Visionary

S03E18 Distant Voices

S03E19 Through the Looking Glass

S03E20 Improbable Cause

S03E21 The Die is Cast

S03E22 Explorers

S03E23 Family Business

S03E24 Shakaar

S03E25 Facets

S03E26 The Adversary


S04E01 The Way of the Warrior, Part I

S04E02 The Way of the Warrior, Part II

S04E03 The Visitor

S04E04 Hippocratic Oath

S04E05 Indiscretion
S04E06 Rejoined
S04E07 Starship Down
S04E08 Little Green Men
S04E09 The Sword of Kahless

S04E10 Our Man Bashir

S04E11 Homefront

S04E12 Paradise Lost

S04E13 Crossfire

S04E14 Return to Grace

S04E15 Sons of Mogh

S04E16 Bar Association

S04E17 Accession

S04E18 Rules of Engagement

S04E19 Hard Time

S04E20 Shattered Mirror

S04E21 The Muse

S04E22 For the Cause

S04E22 For the Cause

S04E24 The Quickening

S04E25 Body Parts

S04E26 Broken Link


S05E01 Apocalypse Rising

S05E02 The Ship

S05E03 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places

S05E04 ...Nor the Battle to the Strong

S05E05 The Assignment
S05E06 Trials and Tribble-ations
S05E07 Let He Who is Without Sin...
S05E08 Things Past
S05E09 The Ascent

S05E10 Rapture

S05E11 The Darkness and the Light

S05E12 The Begotten

S05E13 For the Uniform

S05E14 In Purgatory's Shadow

S05E15 By Inferno's Light
S05E16 Doctor Bashir, I Presume
S05E17 A Simple Investigation
S05E18 Business as Usual

S05E19 Ties of Blood and Water
S05E20 Ferengi Love Songs
S05E21 Soldiers of the Empire
S05E22 Children of Time

S05E23 Blaze of Glory

S05E24 Empok Nor

S05E25 In the Cards

S05E26 Call to Arms


S06E01 A Time to Stand

S06E02 Rocks and Shoals

S06E03 Sons and Daughters

S06E04 Behind the Lines

S06E05 Favor the Bold

S06E06 Sacrifice of Angels
S06E07 You Are Cordially Invited
S06E08 Resurrection
S06E09 Statistical Probabilities

S06E10 The Magnificent Ferengi

S06E11 Waltz

S06E12 Who Mourns for Morn?

S06E13 Far Beyond the Stars

S06E14 One Little Ship

S06E15 Honor Among Thieves
S06E16 Change of Heart
S06E17 Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night
S06E18 Inquisition

S06E19 In the Pale Moonlight

S06E20 His Way

S06E21 The Reckoning

S06E22 Valiant

S06E23 Profit and Lace

S06E24 Time's Orphan

S06E25 The Sound of Her Voice

S06E26 Tears of the Prophets


S07E01 Image in the Sand

S07E02 Shadows and Symbols

S07E03 Afterimage

S07E04 Take Me Out to the Holosuite

S07E05 Chrysalis

S07E06 Treachery, Faith and the Great River

S07E07 Once More Unto the Breach

S07E08 The Siege of AR-558

S07E09 Covenant

S07E10 It's Only a Paper Moon

S07E11 Prodigal Daughter

S07E12 The Emperor's New Cloak

S07E13 Field of Fire

S07E14 Chimera

S07E15 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang

S07E16 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

S07E17 Penumbra

S07E18 'Til Death Do Us Part

S07E19 Strange Bedfellows

S07E20 The Changing Face of Evil

S07E21 When It Rains...

S07E22 Tacking Into the Wind

S07E23 Extreme Measures

S07E24 The Dogs of War

S07E25 What You Leave Behind, Part I

S07E26 What You Leave Behind, Part II

brief summary:

When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, the mining space-station Terok Nor was left abandoned, its systems ripped out
By invitation of the provisional Bajoran government, Starfleet stepped in to oversee the rebuilding and day-to-day operations of the newly christened
Deep Space Nine
DS9 soon became a center of travel and commerce thanks to a newly found stable wormhole leading to the largely unexplored Gamma Quadrant

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