

Geplaatst op woensdag 20 april 2022 @ 16:36 door -Postman- , 496 keer bekeken

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TV series 1995-2001 | science fiction, drama, action, adventure | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Caretaker, Part I
S01E02 Caretaker, Part II

S01E03 Parallax
S01E04 Time and Again
S01E05 Phage
S01E06 The Cloud
S01E07 Eye of the Needle
S01E08 Ex Post Facto

S01E09 Emanations
S01E10 Prime Factors
S01E11 State of Flux
S01E12 Heroes and Demons
S01E13 Cathexis

S01E14 Faces

S01E15 Jetrel
S01E16 Learning Curve


S02E01 The 37's

S02E02 Initiations

S02E03 Projections

S02E04 Elogium

S02E05 Non Sequitur

S02E06 Twisted

S02E07 Parturition

S02E08 Persistence of Vision
S02E09 Tattoo
S02E10 Cold Fire
S02E11 Maneuvers
S02E12 Resistance
S02E13 Prototype

S02E14 Alliances

S02E15 Threshold

S02E16 Meld

S02E17 Dreadnought

S02E18 Death Wish

S02E19 Lifesigns

S02E20 Investigations

S02E21 Deadlock

S02E22 Innocence

S02E23 The Thaw

S02E24 Tuvix

S02E25 Resolutions

S02E26 Basics, Part I


S03E01 Basics, Part II

S03E02 Flashback

S03E03 The Chute

S03E04 The Swarm

S03E05 False Profits

S03E06 Remember

S03E07 Sacred Ground

S03E08 Future's End, Part I

S03E09 Future's End, Part II

S03E10 Warlord

S03E11 The Q and the Grey

S03E12 Macrocosm

S03E13 Fair Trade

S03E14 Alter Ego

S03E15 Coda

S03E16 Blood Fever

S03E17 Unity

S03E18 The Darkling

S03E19 Rise

S03E20 Favorite Son

S03E21 Before and After

S03E22 Real Life

S03E23 Distant Origin

S03E24 Displaced

S03E25 Worst Case Scenario

S03E26 Scorpion, Part I


S04E01 Scorpion, Part II

S04E02 The Gift

S04E03 Day of Honor

S04E04 Nemesis

S04E05 Revulsion

S04E06 The Raven

S04E07 Scientific Method
S04E08 Year of Hell, Part I
S04E09 Year of Hell, Part II
S04E10 Random Thoughts
S04E11 Concerning Flight

S04E12 Mortal Coil

S04E13 Waking Moments

S04E14 Message in a Bottle

S04E15 Hunters

S04E16 Prey

S04E17 Retrospect

S04E18 The Killing Game, Part I

S04E19 The Killing Game, Part II

S04E20 Vis à Vis

S04E21 The Omega Directive

S04E22 Unforgettable

S04E23 Living Witness

S04E24 Demon

S04E25 One

S04E26 Hope and Fear


S05E01 Night

S05E02 Drone

S05E03 Extreme Risk

S05E04 In the Flesh

S05E05 Once Upon a Time

S05E06 Timeless

S05E07 Infinite Regress

S05E08 Nothing Human

S05E09 Thirty Days

S05E10 Counterpoint

S05E11 Latent Image

S05E12 Bride of Chaotica!

S05E13 Gravity

S05E14 Bliss

S05E15 Dark Frontier, Part I

S05E16 Dark Frontier, Part II

S05E17 The Disease

S05E18 Course: Oblivion

S05E19 The Fight

S05E20 Think Tank

S05E21 Juggernaut

S05E22 Someone to Watch Over Me

S05E23 11:59

S05E24 Relativity

S05E25 Warhead

S05E26 Equinox, Part I


S06E01 Equinox, Part II

S06E02 Survival Instinct

S06E03 Barge of the Dead

S06E04 Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy

S06E05 Alice

S06E06 Riddles

S06E07 Dragon's Teeth

S06E08 One Small Step

S06E09 The Voyager Conspiracy

S06E10 Pathfinder

S06E11 Fair Haven

S06E12 Blink of an Eye
S06E13 Virtuoso
S06E14 Memorial
S06E15 Tsunkatse
S06E16 Collective
S06E17 Spirit Folk

S06E18 Ashes to Ashes

S06E19 Child's Play

S06E20 Good Shepherd

S06E21 Live Fast and Prosper

S06E22 Muse

S06E23 Fury

S06E24 Life Line

S06E25 The Haunting of Deck Twelve

S06E26 Unimatrix Zero, Part I


S07E01 Unimatrix Zero, Part II

S07E02 Imperfection

S07E03 Drive

S07E04 Repression

S07E05 Critical Care

S07E06 Inside Man

S07E07 Body and Soul

S07E08 Nightingale

S07E09 Flesh and Blood, Part I

S07E10 Flesh and Blood, Part II

S07E11 Shattered

S07E12 Lineage

S07E13 Repentance

S07E14 Prophecy

S07E15 The Void

S07E16 Workforce, Part I

S07E17 Workforce, Part II

S07E18 Human Error

S07E19 Q2

S07E20 Author, Author

S07E21 Friendship One

S07E22 Natural Law

S07E23 Homestead

S07E24 Renaissance Man

S07E25 Endgame, Part I+II

brief summary:

Star Trek: Voyager (VOY) focuses on the 24th century adventures of Captain Kathryn Janeway aboard the U.S.S. Voyager
Smaller than either Kirk's or Picard's starships—its crew complement is only 150—Voyager is fast and powerful, and has the ability to land on a
planet's surface

It is one of the most technologically advanced vessels in Starfleet, utilizing computer circuitry that incorporates synthetic neural tissue
Ironically, Janeway's inaugural mission aboard Voyager was to be her last in the Alpha quadrant

While attempting to capture the crew of a renegade Maquis vessel, both her ship and that of the Maquis were pulled into the distant Delta quadrant
by powerful alien technology

Unfortunately, there would be no similar "express" route to take them home again
Stranded 70,000 light-years from Earth, Janeway convinced the Maquis to join her Starfleet crew and serve together during the long voyage back
to Federation space

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