

Geplaatst op zaterdag 20 augustus 2022 @ 01:33 door -Postman- , 373 keer bekeken

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TV series 2016-2019 | fantasy, drama, mystery, action | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 The Mortal Cup
S01E02 The Descent Into Hell Isn't Easy
S01E03 Dead Man's Party
S01E04 Raising Hell
S01E05 Moo Shu to Go

S01E06 Of Men and Angels

S01E07 Major Arcana

S01E08 Bad Blood

S01E09 Rise Up

S01E10 This World Inverted

S01E11 Blood Calls to Blood

S01E12 Malec

S01E13 Morning Star


S02E01 This Guilty Blood

S02E02 A Door Into the Dark

S02E03 Parabatai Lost

S02E04 Day of Wrath

S02E05 Dust and Shadows

S02E06 Iron Sisters

S02E07 How are Thou Fallen

S02E08 Love is a Devil

S02E09 Bound by Blood

S02E10 By the Light of Dawn

S02E11 Mea Maxima Culpa

S02E12 You Are Not on Your Own

S02E13 Those of Demon Blood

S02E14 The Fair Folk

S02E15 A Problem of Memory

S02E16 Day of Atonement

S02E17 A Dark Reflection

S02E18 Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen

S02E19 Hail and Farewell

S02E20 Beside Still Water


S03E01 On Infernal Ground

S03E02 The Powers That Be

S03E03 What Lies Beneath

S03E04 Thy Soul Instructed

S03E05 Stronger Than Heaven

S03E06 A Window Into an Empty Room

S03E07 Salt in the Wound

S03E08 A Heart of Darkness

S03E09 Familia Ante Omnia
S03E10 Erchomai
S03E11 Lost Souls
S03E12 Original Sin
S03E13 Beati Bellicosi
S03E14 A Kiss from a Rose

S03E15 To the Night Children

S03E16 Stay with Me

S03E17 Heavenly Fire

S03E18 The Beast Within

S03E19 Aku Cinta Kamu

S03E20 City of Glass

S03E21 Alliance

S03E22 All Good Things...

brief summary:
To rescue her mother, a girl joins a warrior clan of half-angels who protect humanity from a shadowy world of demons, faeries, warlocks,
vampires and werewolves

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