

Geplaatst op donderdag 08 juni 2023 @ 20:11 door -Postman- , 298 keer bekeken


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* AniManga | anime, anime-influenced and manga | hand-drawn and computer animation
        not sorted/organized by genre | some films have English subtitles

audio/video archief  —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
diverse informatiebronnen met de nadruk op audio en/of video materiaal  (niet -speciaal- chronologisch) klik op een blauwe txt-link

Let op:

als je hieronder op de blauwe link klikt komt de playlist in beeld, rechts zie je dan de aanklikbare videos
bij het scrollen blijft de boel bij het weergeven van de volgende 100 tallen steeds ietsje 'hangen' - niets aan de hand moet even op adem komen


»   Full movies of Manga, Anime, Animation, Animated and Cartoons   (241 videos)    »   4K Anime Full Episode Series   (4800+ videos)

»   Full Screen anime | English dubbed and sub | episodes 3-4 hrs.   (2400+ videos)


Giovanni's Island (2014)

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Ghost in the Shell (2017)

Titan A.E. (2000)

Dead Space: Downfall (2008)

Gandahar (1987)

The Birth of Kitaro: The Mystery of GeGeGe (2023)

Mononoke the Movie: The Phantom in the Rain (2024)

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004)

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001)

The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes (2022)

Princess Arete (2001)

Bayonetta: Bloody Fate (2013)

The Wolf Brigade (1999)

Ninja Scroll (1993)

SPY x FAMILY CODE: White (2023)

Perfect Blue (1998)

OVERLORD: The Sacred Kingdom (2024)

The Boy and the Heron (2023)

My Neighbor Totoro (1988)

Ponyo (2008)

The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)

Steamboy (2005)

Memories (1995)

The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf (2021)

Belle (2021)

The Legend of Hei (2019)

Akira (1988)

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc 3 - The Advent (2013)

Mononoke-Hime (1997)

Kimi no Na Wa (2016)

Spirited Away (2001)

Hotarubi no Mori e (2011)

Blame! (2017)

Memorîzu (1995)

Perfect Blue (1997)

5 Centimeters Per Second (2007)

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Kurenai no Buta (1992)

Kokuriko-zaka Kara (2011)

Pompoko (1994)

Ninja Scroll (1993)

Suchîmubôi (2004)
Metoroporisu (2001)
Sennen joyû (2001)
Kôkaku Kidôtai (1995)
Kôkaku Kidôtai 2.0 (2008)
To the Forest of Firefly Lights (2011)

Innocence (2004)

Appleseed (2004)

Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina (2007)

Azumi (2003)

L'illusionniste (2010)

Red Line (2010)

Castle in the Sky (1986)

Stranger: Mukô hadan (2007)

Kidô Keisatsu Patorebâ: The Movie 2 (1993)

Mardock Scramble: The First Compression (2010)

The Cat Returns (2002)

Samâ Uôzu (2009)

Berserk: The Golden Age Arc I - The Egg of the King (2012)

Time of EVE: The Movie (2010)

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

Kumo no mukô yakusoku no basho (2004)
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)

Miss Hokusai (2015)

Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)

Whisper of the Heart (1995)

Look Back (2024)

The Garden of Words (2013)

One Piece (1999)

Halo Legends (2010)

Perfect Blue (1998)

Macross Plus: The Movie (1995)

Gintama: The Very Final (2021)

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky (2016)

Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: The Origin IV - Eve of Destiny (2016)

White Snake (2019)

Metoroporisu (2001)

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000)

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:

Collection of animation films | old/new and any genre
Uitsluitend -in het begin, een zeer bescheiden aantal- films, kort en/of lang, dus (nog) geen TV series

« waar gaat die film/TV serie over ? klik icon
photo google_translate_logo_zps8a8818dc.jpg

This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
If you get any error message when trying to stream, please refresh the page





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