

Geplaatst op zaterdag 28 december 2024 @ 14:38 door -Postman- , 30 keer bekeken

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TV series 2018-current show | computer animation, dark fantasy, action, adventure, drama | status: continuing

Book 1 Moon:

S01E01 Echoes of Thunder

S01E02 What is Done

S01E03 Moonrise

S01E04 Bloodthirsty

S01E05 An Empty Throne

S01E06 Through the Ice

S01E07 The Dagger and the Wolf

S01E08 Cursed Caldera

S01E09 Wonderstorm


Book 2 Sky:

S02E01 A Secret and a Spark

S02E02 Half Moon Lies

S02E03 Smoke and Mirrors

S02E04 Voyage of the Ruthless

S02E05 Breaking the Seal

S02E06 Heart of a Titan

S02E07 Fire and Fury

S02E08 The Book of Destiny

S02E09 Breathe


Book 3 Sun:

S03E01 Sol Regem

S03E02 The Crown

S03E03 Ghost

S03E04 The Midnight Desert

S03E05 Heroes and Masterminds

S03E06 Thunderfall

S03E07 Hearts of Cinder

S03E08 Dragonguard

S03E09 The Final Battle


Book 4 Earth:

S04E01 Rebirthday

S04E02 Fallen Stars

S04E03 Breathtaking

S04E04 Through the Looking Glass

S04E05 The Great Gates

S04E06 The Drakewood

S04E07 Beneath the Surface

S04E08 Rex Igneous

S04E09 Escape from Umber Tor


Book 5 Ocean:

S05E01 Domina Profundis

S05E02 Old Wounds

S05E03 Nightmares and Revelations

S05E04 The Great Bookery

S05E05 Archmage Akiyu

S05E06 Bait and Switch

S05E07 Sea Legs

S05E08 Finnegrin's Wake

S05E09 Infantis Sanguine


Book 6 Stars:

S06E01 Startouched

S06E02 Love, War and Mushrooms

S06E03 The Frozen Ship

S06E04 The Starscraper

S06E05 Moonless Night

S06E06 Moment of Truth

S06E07 The Red Wedding

S06E08 We All Fall Down

S06E09 Stardust


Book 7 Dark:

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands and
care for an infant sky dragon

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