

Geplaatst op zondag 06 augustus 2023 @ 16:05 door -Postman- , 249 keer bekeken

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TV series 2019-current show | documentary | status: continuing


S01E01 Evil Places

S01E02 Mysterious Structures

S01E0 3Strange Creatures

S01E04 Unnatural Nature

S01E05 Bizarre Rituals

S01E06 Life Beyond Death

S01E07 Mysteries of the Mind

S01E08 Incredible Survivors


S02E01 The Greatest Escapes

S02E02 Superhuman Senses

S02E03 Mysterious Curses

S02E04 The Truth About UFOs

S02E05 The Underground World

S02E06 Leading Double Lives

S02E07 Mysteries of the Bible

S02E08 Mysterious Mummies

S02E09 Secrets of America's Monuments

S02E10 The Search for Atlantis

S02E11 Extraordinary Engineering

S02E12 The Power Of Gold

S02E13 The Truth About Bigfoot

S02E14 Bizarre Vanishings

S02E15 Serial Killers

S02E16 The Mystery of Plagues

S02E17 Mysteries of the Moon

S02E18 Outrageous Robberies


S03E01 The Hunt for Hidden Treasures

S03E02 Satanic Encounters

S03E03 The Search for the Ark of the Covenant

S03E04 Apocalypse When?

S03E05 Secrets of the Immortals

S03E06 Sacred Bones

S03E07 Mysteries of Mars


S04E01 Mysterious Ancient Ruins

S04E02 The Mystery of Genius

S04E03 What Lies Below?

S04E04 Secrets of Abandoned Places

S04E05 Acts of God

S04E06 Serial Killer Creatures

S04E07 Mysterious Tombs

S04E08 Uncanny Curses

S04E09 Superhuman Feats

S04E10 Mysteries of the Missing Link

S04E11 Surviving the Impossible

S04E12 The Search for King Arthur

S04E13 Wonders of the Ancient World

S04E14 The Hunt For Jack The Ripper

S04E15 The Search for Extraterrestrial Life

S04E16 Real Life Monsters

S04E17 America's Lost Treasures

S04E18 The Bermuda Triangle and the Beyond

S04E19 Secrets of the Founding Fathers

S04E20 The Weird Wild West

S04E21 Devastating Disasters

S04E22 Mysterious Monoliths


S05E01 Lost Cities

S05E02 Tales of the Dearly Departed

S05E03 Curses Unleashed

S05E04 Earth's Unsolved Mysteries

S05E05 The Power of Prophecy

S05E06 Mysterious Monsters

S05E07 Sacred Rituals

S05E08 UFO Hotspots

S05E09 Extraordinary Structures

S05E10 Holy Relics


S06E01 The World Beneath Our Feet

S06E02 The Time Travelers

S06E03 Secrets of Ancient Structures

S06E04 Mysteries of the Vikings

S06E05 Strange Stories of the Presidents

S06E06 Bizarre Afflictions

S06E07 Strange Technology

S06E08 Unbreakable Codes

S06E09 Strange Stories of World War II

S06E10 Monsters Among Us


S07E01 The Golden Age of Pirates

S07E2 Impossible Ancient Inventions

   [01] earthfiles

[02] MUFON (Mutual UFO Network)

brief summary:

The UnXplained explores the world’s most fascinating, strange and inexplicable mysteries
Scientists, historians, witnesses and experiencers, each seeking to shed light on how the seemingly impossible actually can happen, explore subjects that have
mystified mankind for centuries - from mysterious structures and so-called “evil” places, to strange creatures and bizarre rituals

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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