

Geplaatst op vrijdag 05 juli 2024 @ 01:06 door -Postman- , 109 keer bekeken

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TV series 2013-2022 | documentary, history, mystery


S01E01 The Lost Treasure of the Templars

S01E02 The Third Secret of Fatima

S01E03 The Bloodline of Christ

S01E04 The Mystery of the Giants

S01E05 The Treasure of Solomon

S01E06 The Secrets of the Alchemists


S02E01 The Lost Treasure of Petra

S01E02 Survivor in a Time of Chaos

S02E03 The Secrets of the Illuminati

S02E04 The Oracles

S02E05 Top Secret Nazi UFOs

S02E06 The Genius of Nikola Tesla


S03E01 The Real Ark of the Covenant

S03E02 The Man in the Iron Mask

S03E03 Bloodlust: Real Vampires

S03E04 Hitler - Suicide or Survivor?

S03E05 Inside the Cult of Satan

S03E06 In Search of the Real King Arthur


S04E01 Hitler's Executioner

S04E02 The Secrets of the Vatican Archives

S04E03 The Secrets of the Murder Bureau

S04E04 The Dark Truths of the Templars

S04E05 The Real Mary Magdalene

S04E06 The Death of Mussolini


S05E01 Uncovering The Historical Jesus

S05E02 The Stasi: Behind The Berlin Wall

S05E03 The Hunt for Nazi Treasure

S05E04 The Real James Bond

S05E05 The Dead Sea Scrolls Conspiracy

S05E06 Secret Societies: World Domination


S06E01 Mystery of Yamashita's Treasure

S06E02 Legend of the Turin Shroud

S06E03 The Nazi Quest for Holy Relics

S06E04 Curse of the Crystal Skulls

S06E05 Search for Noah's Ark

S06E06 The Pyramid Code

S06E07 Hitler's Occult Conspiracy

S06E08 Vatican Book of Secrets

S06E09 Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

S06E10 Secret Life of Moses

S06E11 Secrets of the Salem Witches

brief summary:

Uncovers the truth behind great myths, conspiracy theories, ancient treasures, lost civilisations and war time secrets
Here are the stories, seen from a different perspective ...

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