

Geplaatst op vrijdag 10 november 2023 @ 16:27 door -Postman- , 196 keer bekeken

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TV series 2013-2017 | drama, horror, mystery | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 First You Dream, Then You Die

S01E02 Nice Town You Picked, Norma...

S01E03 What's Wrong with Norman

S01E04 Trust Me

S01E05 Ocean View

S01E06 The Truth

S01E07 The Man in Number 9

S01E08 A Boy and His Dog

S01E09 Underwater

S01E10 Midnight


S02E01 Gone But Not Forgotten

S02E02 Shadow of a Doubt

S02E03 Caleb

S02E04 Check-Out

S02E05 The Escape Artist

S02E06 Plunge

S02E07 Presumed Innocent

S02E08 Meltdown

S02E09 The Box

S02E10 The Immutable Truth


S03E01 A Death in the Family

S03E02 The Arcanum Club

S03E03 Persuasion

S03E04 Unbreak-Able

S03E05 The Deal

S03E06 Norma Louise

S03E07 The Last Supper

S03E08 The Pit

S03E09 Crazy

S03E10 Unconscious


S04E01 A Danger to Himself and Others

S04E02 Goodnight, Mother

S04E03 'Til Death Do You Part

S04E04 Lights of Winter

S04E05 Refraction

S04E06 The Vault

S04E07 There's No Place Like Home

S04E08 Unfaithful

S04E09 Forever

S04E10 Norman


S05E01 Dark Paradise

S05E02 The Convergence of the Twain

S05E03 Bad Blood

S05E04 Hidden

S05E05 Dreams Die First

S05E06 Marion

S05E07 Inseparable

S05E08 The Body

S05E09 Visiting Hours

S05E10 The Cord

brief summary:
A contemporary Prequel to Psycho, giving a portrayal of how Norman Bates' psyche unravels through his teenage years, and how deeply intricate his relationship
with his mother, Norma, truly is

The early years of Alfred Hitchcock's famed Psycho, as widow Norma Bates and her shy teenage son Norman seek a fresh start in a coastal town filled with
macabre secrets

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