

Geplaatst op woensdag 17 januari 2024 @ 10:36 door -Postman- , 226 keer bekeken

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TV series 2015-2020 | action, crime, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Woe Has Joined

S01E02 A Stray Howl

S01E03 Eight Slim Grins

S01E04 Bone May Rot

S01E05 Split the Law

S01E06 Cede Your Soul

S01E07 Sent on Tour

S01E08 Persecute Envoys

S01E09 Authentic Flirt

S01E10 Evil Handmade Instrument

S01E11 Cease Forcing Enemy

S01E12 Scientists Hollow Fortune
S01E13 Erase Weary Youth
S01E14 Rules in Defiance
S01E15 Older Cutthroat Canyon
S01E16 Any Wounded Thief

S01E17 Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts

S01E18 One Begets Technique

S01E19 In the Comet of Us

S01E20 Swift Hardhearted Stone

S01E21 Of Whose Uneasy Route

S01E22 If Love a Rebel, Death Will Render

S01E23 Why Await Life's End


S02E01 In Night So Ransomed Rogue
S02E02 Heave Fiery Knot
S02E03 Hero Fears Imminent Rot
S02E04 If Beth
S02E05 Condone Untidiest Thefts

S02E06 Her Spy's Harmed

S02E07 Resolves Eleven Myths

S02E08 We Fight Deaths on Thick Lone Waters

S02E09 Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform

S02E10 Nor I, Nigel, AKA Leg in Iron

S02E11 Droll Autumn, Unmutual Lord

S02E12 Devil Never Even Lived

S02E13 Name Not One Man

S02E14 Borrow or Rob

S02E15 Draw O Caesar, Erase a Coward

S02E16 Evil Did I Dwell, Lewd I Did Live

S02E17 Solos

S02E18 Senile Lines

S02E19 Regard a Mere Mad Rager

S02E20 In Words, Drown I

S02E21 Mom

S02E22 Lepers Repel


S03E01 Back to the Grind

S03E02 Enemy Bag of Tricks

S03E03 Upside Down Craft

S03E04 Gunplay Ricochet

S03E05 This Profound Legacy

S03E06 Adoring Suspect

S03E02 Enemy Bag of Tricks

S03E08 City Folk Under Wraps

S03E09 Hot Burning Flames

S03E10 Balance of Might

S03E11 Technology Wizards

S03E12 Two Legendary Chums

S03E13 Warning Shot

S03E14 Everlasting

S03E15 Deductions

S03E16 Artful Dodge

S03E17 Mum's the Word

S03E18 Clamorous Night

S03E19 Galaxy of Minds

S03E20 Let It Go

S03E21 Defection

S03E22 In Memory


S04E01 Hella Duplicitous

S04E02 My Art Project

S04E03 The Quantico Affair

S04E04 Sous-Vide

S04E05 Naughty Monkey Kicks at Tree

S04E06 Ca-Ca-Candidate for Cri-Cri-Crime

S04E07 Case: Sun, Moon and the Truth

S04E08 Screech, Thwack, Pow

S04E09 Check Your Ed

S04E10 The Big Reveal

S04E11 Careless Whisper

S04E12 The Tale of the Book of Secrets

S04E13 Though This Be Madness, Yet There Is Method In't

S04E14 The Big Blast From the Past Episode

S04E15 Frequently Recurring Struggle For Existence

S04E16 The One Where Jane Visits An Old Friend

S04E17 The Night of the Dying Breath

S04E18 Ohana

S04E19 Everybody Hates Kathy

S04E20 Coder to Killer

S04E21 Masters of War 1:5 - 8

S04E22 The Gang Gets Gone


S05E01 I Came to Sleigh

S05E02 We Didn't Start The Fire

S05E03 Existential Ennui

S05E04 And My Axe!

S05E05 Head Games

S05E06 Fire & Brimstone

S05E07 Awl In

S05E08 Ghost Train

S05E09 Brass Tacks

S05E10 Love You to Bits and Bytes

S05E11 Iunne Ennui

brief summary:
A mysterious tattooed woman with no recollection of her own past or her own identity is found naked inside a travel bag in Times Square by the FBI
They discover that her tattoos contain clues to crimes they will have to solve

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