

Geplaatst op zaterdag 29 januari 2022 @ 13:04 door -Postman- , 383 keer bekeken

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   start de episode na een klik niet meteen op (of foutcode) dan gewoon nog een keer klikken of pagina verversen - bij uitzondering meer dan 1 x

   720p/1080p high definition | full screen knop wordt na start rechts onderaan zichtbaar
         alle andere zaken (ongeacht wat) die nog in beeld komen wegklikken en doorstarten
         bij deze servers zijn ondertitels vaak niet geactiveerd of niet aanwezig (CC rechtsonder)

   TV series 1997-2001 | action, adventure, drama | status: cancelled/ended
    nineties NTSC (US) converted to PAL (EU) not yet remastered/digitally restored


S01E01 Nikita

S01E02 Friend

S01E03 Simone

S01E04 Charity

S01E05 Mother

S01E06 Love

S01E07 Treason

S01E08 Escape

S01E09 Gray

S01E10 Choice

S01E11 Rescue

S01E12 Innocent

S01E13 Recruit

S01E14 Gambit

S01E15 Obsessed

S01E16 Noise

S01E17 War

S01E18 Missing

S01E19 Voices

S01E20 Brainwash

S01E21 Verdict

S01E22 Mercy


S02E01 Hard Landing

S02E02 Spec Ops

S02E03 Third Person

S02E04 Approaching Zero

S02E05 New Regime

S02E06 Mandatory Refusal

S02E07 Half Life

S02E08 Darkness Visible

S02E09 Open Heart

S02E10 First Mission

S02E11 Psychic Pilgrim

S02E12 Soul Sacrifice

S02E13 Not Was

S02E14 Double Date

S02E15 Fuzzy Logic

S02E16 Old Habits

S02E17 Inside Out

S02E18 Off Profile

S02E19 Last Night

S02E20 In Between

S02E21 Adrian's Garden (1)

S02E22 End Game (2)


S03E01 Looking for Michael

S03E02 Someone Else's Shadow

S03E03 Opening Night Jitters

S03E04 Gates of Hell

S03E05 Imitation of Death

S03E06 Love and Country

S03E07 Cat and Mouse

S03E08 Outside the Box

S03E09 Slipping Into Darkness

S03E10 Under the Influence

S03E11 Walk On By

S03E12 Threshold of Pain

S03E13 Beyond the Pale

S03E14 Hand to Hand

S03E15 Before I Sleep

S03E16 I Remember Paris

S03E17 All Good Things

S03E18 Third Party Ripoff

S03E19 Any Means Necessary

S03E20 Three Eyed Turtle

S03E21 Playing with Fire (1)

S03E22 On Borrowed Time (2)


S04E01 Getting Out Of Reverse

S04E02 There Are No Missions

S04E03 View Of The Garden

S04E04 Into The Looking Glass

S04E05 Man In The Middle

S04E06 Love, Honor and Cherish

S04E07 Sympathy For The Devil

S04E08 No One Lives Forever

S04E09 Down a Crooked Path

S04E10 He Came From Four

S04E11 Time to Be Heroes

S04E12 Hell Hath No Fury

S04E13 Kiss The Past Goodbye

S04E14 Line In The Sand

S04E15 Abort, Fail, Retry, Terminate

S04E16 Catch a Falling Star

S04E17 Sleeping with the Enemy

S04E18 Toys in the Basement

S04E19 Time Out of Mind

S04E20 Face in the Mirror (1)

S04E21 Up the Rabbit Hole (2)

S04E22 Four Light Years Farther


S05E01 DéjàVu All Over Again

S05E02 A Girl Who Wasn't There

S05E03 In Through the Out Door

S05E04 All the World's a Stage

S05E05 The Man Behind the Curtain

S05E06 The Evil That Men Do

S05E07 Let No Man Put Asunder

S05E08 A Time for Every Purpose

   [01] La Femme Nikita Fan Club[02]

brief summary:
Nikita is a drug-addicted juvenile delinquent who was accused of killing a police officer in cold blood during an attempted robbery of a pharmacy
She is later arrested and sentenced to death by lethal injection, upon which she was secretly drugged by the government, faking her death
Nikita is then "recruited" by a secret government organization and transformed into a highly skilled assassin who cannot be traced

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
If you get any error message when trying to stream, please refresh the page





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