

Geplaatst op zondag 07 mei 2023 @ 18:59 door -Postman- , 223 keer bekeken

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TV series 2015-2021 | crime, drama, fantasy | status: cancelled/ended

S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.

S01E03 The Would-Be Prince of Darkness

S01E04 Manly Whatnots

S01E05 Sweet Kicks

S01E06 Favorite Son

S01E07 Wingman

S01E08 Et Tu, Doctor?

S01E09 A Priest Walks into a Bar

S01E10 Pops

S01E11 St. Lucifer

S01E12 #TeamLucifer

S01E13 Take Me Back to Hell


S02E01 Everything's Coming Up Lucifer

S02E02 Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire

S02E03 Sin-Eater

S02E04 Lady Parts

S02E05 Weaponizer

S02E06 Monster

S02E07 My Little Monkey

S02E08 Trip to Stabby Town

S02E09 Homewrecker

S02E10 Quid Pro Ho

S02E11 Stewardess Interruptus

S02E12 Love Handles

S02E13 A Good Day to Die

S02E14 Candy Morningstar

S02E15 Deceptive Little Parasite

S02E16 God Johnson

S02E17 Sympathy for the Goddess

S02E18 The Good, the Bad and the Crispy


S03E01 They're Back, Aren't They?

S03E02 The One with the Baby Carrot

S03E03 Mr. and Mrs. Mazikeen Smith

S03E04 What Would Lucifer Do?

S03E05 Welcome Back, Charlotte Richards

S03E06 Vegas with Some Radish

S03E07 Off the Record

S03E08 Chloe Does Lucifer

S03E09 The Sinnerman

S03E10 The Sin Bin
S03E11 City of Angels?
S03E12 All About Her
S03E13 Til Death Do Us Part
S03E14 My Brother's Keeper

S03E15 High School Poppycock

S03E16 Infernal Guinea Pig

S03E17 Let Pinhead Sing!

S03E18 The Last Heartbreak

S03E19 Orange Is the New Maze

S03E20 The Angel of San Bernardino

S03E21 Anything Pierce Can Do I Can Do Better

S03E22 All Hands on Decker

S03E23 Quintessential Deckerstar

S03E24 A Devil of My Word

S03E25 Boo Normal

S03E26 Once Upon a Time


S04E01 Everything's Okay

S04E02 Somebody's Been Reading Dante's Inferno

S04E03 O, Ye of Little Faith, Father

S04E04 All About Eve

S04E05 Expire Erect

S04E06 Orgy Pants to Work

S04E07 Devil Is as Devil Does

S04E08 Super Bad Boyfriend

S04E09 Save Lucifer

S04E10 Who's da New King of Hell?


S05E01 Really Sad Devil Guy
S05E02 Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
S05E03 ¡Diablo!
S05E04 It Never Ends Well for the Chicken

S05E05 Detective Amenadiel

S05E06 BlueBallz

S05E07 Our Mojo

S05E08 Spoiler Alert

S05E09 Family Dinner

S05E10 Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam

S05E11 Resting Devil Face

S05E12 Daniel Espinoza: Naked and Afraid

S05E13 A Little Harmless Stalking

S05E14 Nothing Lasts Forever

S05E15 Is This Really How It's Going to End?!

S05E16 A Chance at a Happy Ending


S06E01 Nothing Ever Changes Around Here

S06E02 Buckets of Baggage

S06E03 Yabba Dabba Do Me

S06E04 Pin the Tail on the Daddy

S06E05 The Murder of Lucifer Morningstar

S06E06 A Lot Dirtier Than That

S06E07 My Best Fiend's Wedding

S06E08 Save the Devil, Save the World

S06E09 Goodbye, Lucifer

S06E10 Partners 'Til the End

brief summary:

Bored and unhappy as the Lord of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar has decided he's had enough of being the dutiful servant and decides to spend some time
on Earth to better understand humanity
He settles in Los Angeles - the City of Angels - where he has teamed up with LAPD detective Chloe Decker to take down criminals

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