

Geplaatst op dinsdag 04 juli 2023 @ 16:16 door -Postman- , 289 keer bekeken

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TV series 2014-current show | drama, fantasy, romance | status: on hiatus

cancelled (after the eighth, and final, season)

book one: outlander

S01E01 Sassenach

S01E02 Castle Leoch

S01E03 The Way Out

S01E04 The Gathering

S01E05 Rent

S01E06 The Garrison Commander

S01E07 The Wedding

S01E08 Both Sides Now

S01E09 The Reckoning

S01E10 By the Pricking of My Thumbs

S01E11 The Devil's Mark

S01E12 Lallybroch

S01E13 The Watch

S01E14 The Search

S01E15 Wentworth Prison

S01E16 To Ransom a Man's Soul


book two: dragonfly in amber

S02E01 Through a Glass, Darkly

S02E02 Not in Scotland Anymore

S02E03 Useful Occupations and Deceptions

S02E04 La Dame Blanche

S02E05 Untimely Resurrection

S02E06 Best Laid Schemes...

S02E07 Faith

S02E08 The Fox's Lair

S02E09 Je Suis Prest

S02E10 Prestonpans

S02E11 Vengeance is Mine

S02E12 The Hail Mary

S02E13 Dragonfly in Amber


book three: voyager

S03E01 The Battle Joined

S03E02 Surrender

S03E03 All Debts Paid

S03E04 Of Lost Things

S03E05 Freedom & Whisky

S03E06 A. Malcolm

S03E07 Creme De Menthe

S03E08 First Wife

S03E09 The Doldrums

S03E10 Heaven and Earth

S03E11 Uncharted

S03E12 The Bakra

S03E13 Eye of the Storm


book four: drums of autumn

S04E01 America the Beautiful

S04E02 Do No Harm

S04E03 The False Bride

S04E04 Common Ground

S04E05 Savages

S04E06 Blood of My Blood

S04E07 Down the Rabbit Hole

S04E08 Wilmington

S04E09 The Birds & The Bees

S04E10 The Deep Heart's Core

S04E11 If Not For Hope

S04E12 Providence

S04E13 Man of Worth


book five: the fiery cross

S05E01 The Fiery Cross

S05E02 Between Two Fires

S05E03 Free Will

S05E04 The Company We Keep

S05E05 Perpetual Adoration

S05E06 Better to Marry Than Burn

S05E07 The Ballad of Roger Mac

S05E08 Famous Last Words

S05E09 Monsters and Heroes

S05E10 Mercy Shall Follow Me

S05E11 Journeycake

S05E12 Never My Love


book six: a breath of snow and ashes

S06E01 Echoes
S06E02 Allegiance
S06E03 Temperance
S06E04 Hour of the Wolf
S06E05 Give Me Liberty
S06E06 The World Turned Upside Down

S06E07 Sticks and Stones

S06E08 I Am Not Alone


book seven: an echo in the bone

S07E01 A Life Well Lost

S07E02 The Happiest Place on Earth

S07E03 Death Be Not Proud

S07E04 A Most Uncomfortable Woman

S07E05 Singapore

S07E06 A Where the Waters Meet

S07E07 A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers

S07E08 Turning Points

S07E09 Unfinished Business

S07E10 Brotherly Love

S07E11 A Hundredweight of Stones

S07E12 Carnal Knowledge

S07E13 Hello, Goodbye

S07E14 Ye Dinna Get Used to It

S07E15 Written in My Own Heart's Blood

S07E16 A Hundred Thousand Angels

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:

Claire Beauchamp Randall, a nurse in World War II, mysteriously goes back in time to Scotland in 1743
There, she meets a dashing Highland warrior and gets drawn into an epic rebellion

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