

Geplaatst op maandag 17 juli 2023 @ 23:21 door -Postman- , 324 keer bekeken

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TV series 2021-current show | comdey, crime, drama | status: continuing

will return for a 4th season


S01E01 True Crime

S01E02 Who Is Tim Kono?

S01E03 How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors?

S01E04 The Sting

S01E05 Twist

S01E06 To Protect and Serve

S01E07 The Boy from 6B

S01E08 Fan Fiction

S01E09 Double Time

S01E10 Open and Shut


S02E01 Persons of Interest

S02E02 Framed

S02E03 The Last Day of Bunny Folger

S02E04 Here's Looking at You

S02E05 The Tell

S02E06 Performance Review

S02E07 Flipping the Pieces

S02E08 Hello, Darkness

S02E09 Sparring Partners

S02E10 I Know Who Did It


S03E01 The Show Must...

S03E02 The Beat Goes On

S03E03 Grab Your Hankies

S03E04 The White Room

S03E05 Ah, Love!

S03E06 Ghost Light

S03E07 CoBro

S03E08 Sitzprobe

S03E09 Thirty

S03E10 Opening Night


S04E01 Once Upon a Time in the West

S04E02 Gates of Heaven

S04E03 Two for the Road

S04E04 The Stunt Man

S04E05 Adaptation

S04E06 Blow-Up

S04E07 Valley of the Dolls

S04E08 Lifeboat

S04E09 Escape from Planet Klongo

S04E10 My Best Friend's Wedding

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
Upper West Side neighbors Charles, Oliver and Mabel bond over a shared love of true crime
When a fellow resident dies in their building, the trio determine to solve the mystery and record an accompanying podcast

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