

Geplaatst op vrijdag 15 maart 2024 @ 13:21 door -Postman- , 188 keer bekeken

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TV series 2013-2017 | drama, sci-fi, thriller | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Natural Selection

S01E02 Instinct

S01E03 Variation Under Nature

S01E04 Effects of External Conditions

S01E05 Conditions of Existence

S01E06 Variations Under Domestication

S01E07 Parts Developed in an Unusual Manner

S01E08 Entangled Bank

S01E09 Unconscious Selection

S01E10 Endless Forms Most Beautiful


S02E01 Nature Under Constraint and Vexed

S02E02 Governed By Sound Reason and True Religion

S02E03 Mingling Its Own Nature with It

S02E04 Governed As It Were By Chance

S02E05 Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est

S02E06 To Hound Nature in Her Wanderings

S02E07 Knowledge of Causes, and Secret Motion of Things

S02E08 Variable and Full of Perturbation

S02E09 Things Which Have Never Yet Been Done

S02E10 By Means Which Have Never Yet Been Tried


S03E01 The Weight of This Combination

S03E02 Transitory Sacrifices of Crisis

S03E03 Formalized, Complex, and Costly

S03E04 Newer Elements of Our Defense

S03E05 Scarred by Many Past Frustrations

S03E06 Certain Agony of the Battlefield

S03E07 Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate

S03E08 Ruthless in Purpose, and Insidious in Method

S03E09 Insolvent Phantom of Tomorrow

S03E10 History Yet to Be Written


S04E01 The Collapse of Nature

S04E02 Transgressive Border Crossing

S04E03 The Stigmata of Progress

S04E04 From Instinct to Rational Control

S04E05 Human Raw Material

S04E06 The Scandal of Altruism

S04E07 The Antisocialism of Sex

S04E08 The Redesign of Natural Objects

S04E09 The Mitigation of Competition

S04E10 From Dancing Mice to Psychopaths


S05E01 The Few Who Dare

S05E02 Clutch of Greed

S05E03 Beneath Her Heart

S05E04 Let the Children and Childbearers Toil

S05E05 Ease for Idle Millionaires

S05E06 Manacled Slim Wrists

S05E07 Gag or Throttle

S05E08 Guillotines Decide

S05E09 One Fettered Slave

S05E10 To Right the Wrongs of Many

brief summary:
A streetwise hustler is pulled into a compelling conspiracy after witnessing the suicide of a girl who looks just like her

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