

Geplaatst op maandag 05 oktober 2020 @ 13:46 door -Postman- , 497 keer bekeken

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TV series 1959-1965 b/w | western, adventure | status: cancelled/ended
 sixties NTSC (US) converted to PAL (EU) not yet remastered/digitally restored

we hebben de hele serie met tussenpozen online kunnen zetten (±60+ jaar oud niet digitaal materiaal)
ondertussen zijn we naarstig op zoek naar een server die een betere beeldkwaliteit kan leveren


S01E01 Incident of the Tumbleweed

S01E02 Incident at Alabaster Plain

S01E03 Incident with an Executioner

S01E04 Incident of the Widowed Dove

S01E05 Incident on the Edge of Madness

S01E06 Incident of the Power and the Plow

S01E07 Incident at Barker Springs

S01E08 Incident West of Lano

S01E09 Incident of the Town in Terror

S01E10 Incident of the Golden Calf

S01E11 Incident of the Coyote Weed

S01E12 Incident of the Chubasco

S01E13 Incident of the Curious Street

S01E14 Incident of the Dog Days

S01E15 Incident of the Calico Gun

S01E16 Incident of the Misplaced Indians

S01E17 Incident of Fear in the Streets

S01E18 Incident Below the Brazos

S01E19 Incident of the Dry Drive

S01E20 Incident of the Judas Trap

S01E21 Incident in No Man's Land

S01E22 Incident of a Burst of Evil


S02E01 Incident of the Day of the Dead
S02E02 Incident of the Roman Candles
S02E03 Incident at Dangerfield Dip

S02E04 Incident of the Shambling Man
S02E05 Incident at Jacob's Well
S02E06 Incident of the 13th Man

S02E07 Incident at the Buffalo Smokehouse

S02E08 Incident of the Haunted Hills

S02E09 Incident of the Stalking Death

S02E10 Incident of the Valley in Shadow

S02E11 Incident of the Blue Fire

S02E12 Incident at Spanish Rock

S02E13 Incident of the Druid Curse

S02E14 Incident at Red River Station

S02E15 Incident of the Devil and His Due

S02E16 Incident of the Wanted Painter

S02E17 Incident of the Tinker's Dam

S02E18 Incident of the Night Horse

S02E19 Incident of the Sharpshooter

S02E20 Incident of the Dust Flower
S02E21 Incident at Sulphur Creek
S02E22 Incident of the Champagne Bottles
S02E23 Incident of the Stargazer

S02E24 Incident of the Dancing Death

S02E25 Incident of the Arana Sacar

S02E26 Incident of the Deserter

S02E27 Incident of the 100 Amulets

S02E28 Incident of the Murder Steer

S02E29 Incident of the Music Maker

S02E30 Incident of the Silent Web

S02E31 Incident of the Last Chance

S02E32 Incident in the Garden of Eden


S03E01 Incident at Rojo Canyon

S03E02 Incident of the Challenge

S03E03 Incident at Dragoon Crossing

S03E04 Incident of the Night Visitor

S03E05 Incident of the Slavemaster

S03E06 Incident on the Road to Yesterday

S03E07 Incident at Superstition Prairie

S03E08 Incident at Poco Tiempo

S03E09 Incident of the Captive

S03E10 Incident of the Buffalo Soldier

S03E11 Incident of the Broken Word

S03E12 Incident at the Top of the World

S03E13 Incident Near the Promised Land

S03E14 Incident of the Big Blowout

S03E15 Incident of the Fish Out of Water

S03E16 Incident on the Road Back

S03E17 Incident of the New Start

S03E18 Incident of the Running Iron
S03E19 Incident Near Gloomy River
S03E20 Incident of the Boomerang
S03E21 Incident of his Brother's Keeper

S03E22 Incident in the Middle of Nowhere

S03E23 Incident of the Phantom Bugler

S03E24 Incident of the Lost Idol

S03E25 Incident of the Running Man

S03E26 Incident of the Painted Lady

S03E27 Incident Before Black Pass

S03E28 Incident of the Blackstorms

S03E29 Incident of the Night on the Town

S03E30 Incident of the Wager on Payday


S04E01 Rio Salado

S04E02 The Sendoff

S04E03 The Long Shakedown

S04E04 Judgment at Hondo Seco

S04E05 The Lost Tribe

S04E06 The Inside Man

S04E07 The Black Sheep

S04E08 The Prairie Elephant

S04E09 The Little Fishes

S04E10 The Blue Spy

S04E11 The Gentleman's Gentleman

S04E12 Twenty-Five Santa Clauses

S04E13 The Long Count

S04E14 The Captain's Wife

S04E15 The Peddler

S04E16 The Woman Trap

S04E17 The Boss's Daughters

S04E18 The Deserters' Patrol

S04E19 The Greedy Town

S04E20 Grandma's Money

S04E21 The Pitchwagon

S04E22 Hostage Child

S04E23 The Immigrants

S04E24 The Child-Woman

S04E25 A Woman's Place

S04E26 Reunion

S04E27 House of the Hunter

S04E28 Gold Fever

S04E29 The Devil and the Deep Blue

S04E30 Abilene


S05E01 Incident of the Hunter

S05E02 Incident of the Portrait

S05E03 Incident at Cactus Wells

S05E04 Incident of the Prodigal Son

S05E05 Incident of the Four Horsemen

S05E06 Incident of the Lost Woman

S05E07 Incident of the Dogfaces

S05E08 Incident of the Wolvers

S05E09 Incident at Sugar Creek

S05E10 Incident of the Reluctant Bridegroom

S05E11 Incident of the Querencias

S05E12 Incident at Quivira

S05E13 Incident of Decision

S05E14 Incident of the Buryin' Man

S05E15 Incident at the Trail's End

S05E16 Incident at Spider Rock

S05E17 Incident of the Mountain Man

S05E18 Incident at Crooked Hat

S05E19 Incident of Judgement Day

S05E20 Incident of the Gallows Tree

S05E21 Incident of the Married Widow

S05E22 Incident of the Pale Rider

S05E23 Incident of the Comanchero

S05E24 Incident of the Clown

S05E25 Incident of the Black Ace

S05E26 Incident of the Hostages

S05E27 Incident of the White Eyes

S05E28 Incident at Rio Doloroso

S05E29 Incident at Alkali Sink


S06E01 Incident of the Red Wind

S06E02 Incident of Iron Bull

S06E03 Incident at El Crucero

S06E04 Incident of the Travellin' Man

S06E05 Incident at Paradise

S06E06 Incident at Farragut Pass

S06E07 Incident at Two Graves

S06E08 Incident of the Rawhiders

S06E09 Incident of the Prophecy

S06E10 Incident at Confidence Creek

S06E11 Incident of the Death Dancer

S06E12 Incident of the Wild Deuces

S06E13 Incident of the Geisha

S06E14 Incident at Ten Trees

S06E15 Incident of the Rusty Shotgun

S06E16 Incident of Midnight Cave

S06E17 Incident of the Dowery Dundee

S06E18 Incident at Gila Flats

S06E19 Incident of the Pied Piper

S06E20 Incident of the Swindler

S06E21 Incident of the Wanderer

S06E22 Incident at Zebulon

S06E23 Incident at Hourglass

S06E24 Incident of the Odyssey

S06E25 Incident of the Banker

S06E26 Incident of El Toro

S06E27 Incident at Deadhorse (1)

S06E28 Incident at Deadhorse (2)

S06E29 Incident of the Gilded Goddess

S06E30 Incident at Seven Fingers

S06E31 Incident of the Peyote Cup


S07E01 The Race

S07E02 The Enormous Fist

S07E03 Piney

S07E04 The Lost Herd

S07E05 A Man Called Mushy

S07E06 Canliss

S07E07 Damon's Road (1)

S07E08 Damon's Road (2)

S07E09 The Backshooter

S07E10 Corporal Dasovik

S07E11 The Photographer

S07E12 No Dogs or Drovers

S07E13 The Meeting

S07E14 The Book

S07E15 Josh

S07E16 A Time for Waiting

S07E17 Moment in the Sun

S07E18 Texas Fever

S07E19 Blood Harvest

S07E20 The Violent Land

S07E21 The Winter Soldier

S07E22 Prairie Fire

S07E23 Retreat

S07E24 The Empty Sleeve

S07E25 The Last Order

S07E26 Mrs. Harmon

S07E27 The Calf Women

S07E28 The Spanish Camp

S07E29 El Hombre Bravo

S07E30 The Gray Rock Hotel


S08E01 Encounter at Boot Hill

S08E02 Ride a Crooked Mile

S08E03 Six Weeks to Bent Fork

S08E04 Walk into Terror

S08E05 Escort to Doom

S08E06 Hostage for Hanging

S08E07 The Vasquez Woman

S08E08 Clash at Broken Bluff

S08E09 The Pursuit

S08E10 Duel at Daybreak

S08E11 Brush War at Buford

S08E12 The Testing Post

S08E13 Crossing at White Feather

    [01] rawhide foto archief[02][03][04]

brief summary:
Adventures of 19th Century cattlemen driving their herds across the Great Plains of the American West

Gil Favor is trail boss of a continuous cattle drive; he is assisted by Rowdy Yates
The crew runs into characters and adventures along the way

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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