

Geplaatst op maandag 17 januari 2022 @ 14:06 door -Postman- , 344 keer bekeken

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TV series 2012-2017 | western | status: cancelled/ended

S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 The Dark Road

S01E03 A Damn Shame

S01E04 The Cancer

S01E05 Dog Soldier

S01E06 The Worst Kind of Hunter

S01E07 8 Seconds

S01E08 An Incredibly Beautiful Thing

S01E09 Dogs, Horses, and Indians

S01E10 Unfinished Business


S02E01 Unquiet Mind

S02E02 Carcasses

S02E03 Death Came in Like Thunder

S02E04 The Road to Hell

S02E05 Party's Over

S02E06 Tell It Slant

S02E07 Sound and Fury

S02E08 The Great Spirit

S02E09 Tuscan Red

S02E10 Election Day

S02E11 Natural Order

S02E12 A Good Death is Hard to Find

S02E13 Bad Medicine


S03E01 The White Warrior

S03E02 Of Children and Travelers

S03E03 Miss Cheyenne

S03E04 In the Pines

S03E05 Wanted Man

S03E06 Reports of My Death

S03E07 Population 25

S03E08 Harvest

S03E09 Counting Coup

S03E10 Ashes to Ashes


S04E01 Down by the River

S04E02 War Eagle

S04E03 High Noon

S04E04 Four Arrows

S04E05 Help Wanted

S04E06 The Calling Back

S04E07 Highway Robbery

S04E08 Hector Lives

S04E09 Shotgun

S04E10 What Happens On The Rez...


S05E01 A Fog That Won't Lift

S05E02 One Good Memory

S05E03 Chrysalis

S05E04 The Judas Wolf

S05E05 Pure Peckinpah

S05E06 Objection

S05E07 From This Day Forward

S05E08 Stand Your Ground

S05E09 Continual Soiree

S05E10 The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of


S06E01 The Eagle and the Osprey

S06E02 Fever

S06E03 Thank You, Victoria

S06E04 A Thing I'll Never Understand

S06E05 Burned Up My Tears

S06E06 No Greater Character Endorsement

S06E07 Opiates and Antibiotics

S06E08 Cowboy Bill

S06E09 Running Eagle Challenge

S06E10 Goodbye Is Always Implied

brief summary:
A Wyoming sheriff near an Indian reservation solves murders while struggling to cope with his wife's death, and with one deputy having run against him
as a candidate for sheriff and another newly arrived from the city

Walt Longmire is the dedicated and unflappable sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming
Widowed only a year, he is a man in psychic repair but buries his pain behind his brave face, unassuming grin and dry wit

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