

Geplaatst op vrijdag 23 oktober 2020 @ 12:19 door -Postman- , 568 keer bekeken

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TV series 1966-1973 | crime, drama, action, mystery | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot
S01E02 Memory
S01E03 Operation Rogosh
S01E04 Old Man Out (1)
S01E05 Old Man Out (2)

S01E06 Odds on Evil
S01E07 Wheels
S01E08 The Ransom
S01E09 A Spool There Was
S01E10 The Carriers

S01E11 Zubrovnik's Ghost

S01E12 Fakeout

S01E13 Elena

S01E14 The Short Tail Spy

S01E15 The Legacy

S01E16 The Reluctant Dragon

S01E17 The Frame

S01E18 The Trial

S01E19 The Diamond

S01E20 The Legend

S01E21 Snowball in Hell

S01E22 The Confession

S01E23 Action!

S01E24 The Train

S01E25 Shock

S01E26 A Cube of Sugar

S01E27 The Traitor

S01E28 The Psychic


S02E01 The Widow

S02E02 Trek

S02E03 The Survivors

S02E04 The Bank

S02E05 The Slave (1)

S02E06 The Slave (2)

S02E07 Operation Heart

S02E08 The Money Machine

S02E09 The Seal

S02E10 Charity

S02E11 The Council (1)

S02E12 The Council (2)

S02E13 The Astrologer

S02E14 Echo of Yesterday

S02E15 The Photographer

S02E16 The Spy

S02E17 A Game of Chess

S02E18 The Emerald

S02E19 The Condemned

S02E20 The Counterfeiter

S02E21 The Town

S02E22 The Killing

S02E23 The Phoenix

S02E24 Trial by Fury

S02E25 Recovery


S03E01 The Heir Apparent

S03E02 The Contender (1)

S03E03 The Contender (2)

S03E04 The Mercenaries

S03E05 The Execution

S03E06 The Cardinal

S03E07 The Elixir

S03E08 The Diplomat

S03E09 The Play

S03E10 The Bargain

S03E11 The Freeze

S03E12 The Exchange

S03E13 The Mind of Stefan Miklos

S03E14 The Test Case

S03E15 The System

S03E16 The Glass Cage

S03E17 Doomsday

S03E18 Live Bait

S03E19 The Bunker (1)

S03E20 The Bunker (2)

S03E21 Nitro

S03E22 Nicole

S03E23 The Vault

S03E24 Illusion

S03E25 The Interrogator


S04E01 The Code

S04E02 Numbers Game

S04E03 The Controllers (1)

S04E04 The Controllers (2)

S04E05 Fool's Gold

S04E06 Commandante

S04E07 Double Circle

S04E08 The Submarine

S04E09 Robot

S04E10 Mastermind

S04E11 The Brothers

S04E12 Time Bomb

S04E13 The Amnesiac

S04E14 The Falcon (1)

S04E15 The Falcon (2)

S04E16 The Falcon (3)

S04E17 Chico

S04E18 Gitano

S04E19 Phantoms

S04E20 Terror

S04E21 Lover's Knot

S04E22 Orpheus

S04E23 The Crane

S04E24 Death Squad

S04E25 The Choice

S04E26 The Martyr


S05E01 The Killer

S05E02 Flip Side

S05E03 The Innocent

S05E04 Homecoming

S05E05 Flight

S05E06 My Friend, My Enemy

S05E07 Butterfly (aka Poor Butterfly)

S05E08 Decoy

S05E09 The Amateur

S05E10 The Hunted

S05E11 The Rebel

S05E12 Squeeze Play (aka Sicily)

S05E13 The Hostage

S05E14 Takeover

S05E15 Cat's Paw

S05E16 The Missile (aka Torpedo)

S05E17 The Field

S05E18 Blast

S05E19 The Catafalque

S05E20 Kitara (aka The Bigot)

S05E21 A Ghost Story

S05E22 The Party

S05E23 The Merchant


S06E01 Blind

S06E02 Encore

S06E03 The Tram

S06E04 Mindbend

S06E05 Shape-Up

S06E06 The Miracle

S06E07 Encounter

S06E08 Underwater

S06E09 Invasion

S06E10 Blues (aka Hard Rock)

S06E11 The Visitors

S06E12 Nerves

S06E13 Run for the Money

S06E14 The Connection

S06E15 The Bride

S06E16 Stone Pillow (aka Big House)

S06E17 Image

S06E18 Committed

S06E19 Bag Woman

S06E20 Double Dead

S06E21 Casino (aka Vacuum, Rumble)

S06E22 Trapped


S07E01 Break!

S07E02 Two Thousand

S07E03 The Deal

S07E04 Leona

S07E05 TOD-5 (aka The Carrier)

S07E06 Cocaine

S07E07 Underground

S07E08 Movie

S07E09 Hit

S07E10 Ultimatum

S07E11 Kidnap

S07E12 Crack-Up

S07E13 The Puppet

S07E14 Incarnate

S07E15 Boomerang

S07E16 The Question

S07E17 The Fountain

S07E18 The Fighter

S07E19 Speed

S07E20 The Pendulum

S07E21 The Western

S07E22 Imitation

brief summary:
An elite team of special agents undertakes top-secret espionage assignments

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