

Geplaatst op zondag 15 januari 2023 @ 01:51 door -Postman- , 287 keer bekeken

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TV series 1997 current show | crime, drama, mystery | status: on hiatus


S01E01 The Killings at Badger's Drift

S01E02 Written in Blood

S01E03 Death of a Hollow Man

S01E04 Faithful unto Death

S01E05 Death in Disguise


S02E01 Death's Shadow

S02E02 Strangler's Wood

S02E03 Dead Man's Eleven

S02E04 Blood Will Out


S03E01 Death of a Stranger

S03E02 Blue Herrings

S03E03 Judgment Day

S03E04 Beyond the Grave


S04E01 Garden of Death

S04E02 Destroying Angel

S04E03 Electric Vendetta

S04E04 Who Killed Cock Robin?

S04E05 Dark Autumn

S04E06 Tainted Fruit


S05E01 Market for Murder

S05E02 A Worm in the Bud

S05E03 Ring Out Your Dead

S05E04 Murder on St. Malley's Day


S06E01 A Talent for Life

S06E02 Death and Dreams

S06E03 Painted in Blood

S06E04 A Tale of Two Hamlets

S06E05 Birds of Prey


S07E01 The Green Man

S07E02 Bad Tidings

S07E03 The Fisher King

S07E04 Sins of Commission

S07E05 The Maid in Splendour

S07E06 The Straw Woman

S07E07 Ghosts of Christmas Past


S08E01 Things That Go Bump in the Night

S08E02 Dead in the Water

S08E03 Orchis Fatalis

S08E04 Bantling Boy

S08E05 Second Sight

S08E06 Hidden Depths

S08E07 Sauce for the Goose

S08E08 Midsomer Rhapsody


S09E01 The House in the Woods

S09E02 Dead Letters

S09E03 Vixen's Run

S09E04 Down Among the Dead Men

S09E05 Four Funerals and a Wedding

S09E06 Country Matters

S09E07 Death in Chorus

S09E08 Last Year's Model


S10E01 Dance with the Dead

S10E02 The Animal Within

S10E03 King's Crystal

S10E04 The Axeman Cometh

S10E05 Death and Dust

S10E06 Picture of Innocence

S10E07 They Seek Him Here

S10E08 Death in a Chocolate Box


S11E01 Shot at Dawn

S11E02 Blood Wedding

S11E03 Left for Dead

S11E04 Midsomer Life

S11E05 The Magician's Nephew

S11E06 Days of Misrule

S11E07 Talking to the Dead


S12E01 The Dogleg Murders

S12E02 The Black Book

S12E03 Secrets and Spies

S12E04 The Glitch

S12E05 Small Mercies

S12E06 The Creeper

S12E07 The Great and the Good


S13E01 The Sword of Guillaume

S13E02 The Made-to-Measure Murders

S13E03 Blood on the Saddle

S13E04 The Silent Land

S13E05 Master Class

S13E06 The Noble Art

S13E07 Not in My Back Yard

S13E08 Fit for Murder


S14E01 Death in the Slow Lane

S14E02 Dark Secrets

S14E03 Echoes of the Dead

S14E04 The Oblong Murders

S14E05 The Sleeper Under the Hill

S14E06 The Night of the Stag

S14E07 A Sacred Trust

S14E08 A Rare Bird


S15E01 The Dark Rider

S15E02 Murder of Innocence

S15E03 Written in the Stars

S15E04 Death and the Divas

S15E05 The Sicillian Defence

S15E06 Schooled in Murder


S16E01 The Christmas Haunting

S16E02 Let Us Prey

S16E03 Wild Harvest

S16E04 The Flying Club

S16E05 The Killings of Copenhagen


S17E01 The Dagger Club

S17E02 Murder by Magic

S17E03 The Ballad of Midsomer County

S17E04 A Vintage Murder


S18E01 Habeas Corpus

S18E02 The Incident at Cooper Hill

S18E03 Breaking the Chain

S18E04 A Dying Art

S18E05 Saints and Sinners

S18E06 Harvest of Souls


S19E01 The Village That Rose from the Dead

S19E02 Crime and Punishment

S19E03 Last Man Out

S19E04 Red in Tooth & Claw

S19E05 Death by Persuasion

S19E06 The Curse of the Ninth


S20E01 The Ghost of Causton Abbey

S20E02 Death of the Small Coppers

S20E03 Drawing Dead

S20E04 The Lions of Causton

S20E05 Till Death Do Us Part

S20E06 Send in the Clowns


S21E01 The Point of Balance

S21E02 The Miniature Murders

S21E03 The Sting of Death

S21E04 With Baited Breath


S22E01 The Wolf Hunter of Little Worthy

S22E02 The Stitcher Society

S22E03 Happy Families

S22E04 The Scarecrow Murders

S22E05 For Death Prepare

S22E06 The Witches of Angel's Rise


S23E01 The Blacktrees Prophecy

S23E02 The Debt of Lies

S23E03 A Grain of Truth

S23E04 Dressed to Kill


S24E01 The Devil's Work

S24E02 Book of the Dead

S24E03 Claws Out

S24E04 A Climate of Death

Wordt vervolgd, to be continued....

brief summary:
A veteran Detective Chief Inspector and his Sergeant investigate murders around the regional community of Midsomer County

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