

Geplaatst op vrijdag 23 oktober 2020 @ 12:48 door -Postman- , 1191 keer bekeken

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TV series 1985-1989 | crime, comedy, drama | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 Pilot

S01E02 Gunfight at the So-So Corral

S01E03 Read the Mind -- See the Movie

S01E04 The Next Murder You Hear

S01E05 Next Stop Murder

S01E06 The Murder's in the Mail


S02E01 Brother, Can You Spare a Blonde?

S02E02 The Lady in the Iron Mask

S02E03 Money Talks -- Maddie Walks

S02E04 The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice

S02E05 My Fair David

S02E06 Knowing Her

S02E07 Somewhere Under the Rainbow

S02E08 Portrait of Maddie

S02E09 Atlas Belched

S02E10 Twas the Episode Before Christmas

S02E11 The Bride of Tupperman

S02E12 North by North Dipesto
S02E13 In God We Strongly Suspect
S02E14 Every Daughter's Father is a Virgin
S02E15 Witness for the Execution

S02E16 Sleep Talkin' Guy

S02E17 Funeral for a Door Nail

S02E18 Camille


S03E01 The Son Also Rises

S03E02 The Man Who Cried Wife

S03E03 Symphony in Knocked Flat

S03E04 Yours, Very Deadly

S03E05 All Creatures Great and...Not So Great

S03E06 Big Man on Mulberry Street

S03E07 Atomic Shakespeare

S03E08 It's a Wonderful Job

S03E09 The Straight Poop

S03E10 Poltergeist III -- Dipesto Nothing

S03E11 Blonde on Blonde (1)

S03E12 Sam & Dave (2)

S03E13 Maddie's Turn to Cry (3)

S03E14 I am Curious...Maddie (4)

S03E15 To Heiress Human


S04E01 A Trip to the Moon
S04E02 Come Back Little Shiksa
S04E03 Take a Left at the Altar
S04E04 Tale in Two Cities

S04E05 Cool Hand Dave (1)

S04E06 Cool Hand Dave (2)

S04E07 Father Knows Last

S04E08 Los Dos DiPestos

S04E09 Fetal Attraction

S04E10 Tracks of My Tears

S04E11 Eek! A Spouse!

S04E12 Maddie Hayes Got Married

S04E13 Here's Living with You, Kid

S04E14 And the Flesh Was Made Word


S05E01 A Womb with a View

S05E02 Between a Yuk and a Hard Place

S05E03 The Color of Maddie

S05E04 Plastic Fantastic Lovers

S05E05 Shirts and Skins

S05E06 Take My Wife, for Example

S05E07 I See England, I See France, I See Maddie's Netherworld

S05E08 Those Lips, Those Lies

S05E09 Perfetc

S05E10 When Girls Collide (1)

S05E11 In 'n Outlaws

S05E12 Eine Kleine Nacht Murder

S05E13 Lunar Eclipse

brief summary:
When former fashion model Maddie Hayes goes broke and finds that one of her few remaining assets is ownership of the Blue Moon Detective Agency,
she is tempted to liquidate it until she meets the quirky employees and gets involved in their even quirkier cases

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