

Geplaatst op vrijdag 24 juni 2022 @ 20:48 door -Postman- , 355 keer bekeken

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TV/film series 1950-current show | animation, comedy


The Peanuts Movie (2015)

Snoopy Presents: To Mom (and Dad), With Love (2022)

A Boy Named Charlie Brown (1969)

You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown (1972)

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (1966)

It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown (1984)

It's Christmastime Again, Charlie Brown (1992)

Peanuts in Space: Secrets of Apollo 10 (2019)

Snoopy Presents: It's the Small Things, Charlie Brown (2022)

Snoopy, Come Home (1972)


The Snoopy Show:

S01E01 Happiness Is a Dancing Dog

S01E02 Never Bug a Beagle

S01E03 The Curse of a Fuzzy Face

S01E04 Happiness Is a Snow Day

S01E05 Just Your Basic Beagle

S01E06 Bugable, Hugable, Beagle

S01E07 Better Off Beagle

S01E08 Beagle Days Ahead

S01E09 Big Time Beagle

S01E10 Happiness Is a Good Book

S01E11 It Takes All Kinds to Make a World

S01E12 Thank Goodness for Beagles

S01E13 Speak Softly, and Carry a Beagle


S02E01 The Beagle Is In

S02E02 Root Beer All Around

S02E03 Well, I'll Be a Brown-Eyed Beagle

S02E04 Dogs Don't Say Goodbye

S02E05 Beagle Appreciation Day

S02E06 Happiness Is a Rainy Day

S02E07 Deja Beagle

S02E08 All The World's A Beagle

S02E09 Big Beagle On Campus

S02E10 Not Bad For A Beagle

S02E11 Happiness Is Your Favorite Thing

S02E12 Happiness Is a Song in Your Heart

S02E13 'Twas the Nest Before Christmas


S03E01 Happiness is a Day at the Beach

S03E02 Happiness is a Hug That Lasts

S03E03 You're Up Snoopy

S03E04 This Is Your Life, Snoopy

S03E05 Nobody's Perfect, Snoopy

S03E06 Who Put The Beagle In Charge?

S03E07 Happiness Is a Good Skate

S03E08 A Beagle's Tale

S03E09 It's All You, Snoopy

S03E10 Never Trust A Hungry Beagle

S03E11 The Beagle Did It!

S03E12 Forever Snoopy

S03E13 Happiness is Holiday Traditions


Snoopy in Space:

S01E01 The Application
S01E02 Training
S01E03 The Graduation
S01E04 Welcome to the ISS

S01E05 I Never Promised You a Space Garden

S01E06 Space Sleepwalking

S01E07 The Journey on Orion

S01E08 Crater Crash

S01E09 Searching for Moon Rocks

S01E10 You're a Good Moon, Charlie Brown

S01E11 The Next Mission

S01E12 Mars or Bust


S02E01 The Search Begins

S02E02 A New Mission

S02E03 Robots

S02E04 Mars

S02E05 Europa

S02E06 Venus

S02E07 Hera

S02E08 Exoplanets

S02E09 The Discovery

S02E10 Operation Asteroid

S02E11 The Big Picture

S02E12 A New Voyage

brief summary:
The adventures of Snoopy and The Peanuts

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