

Geplaatst op donderdag 22 oktober 2020 @ 10:08 door -Postman- , 506 keer bekeken

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TV series 1964-1967 | adventure, family | status: cancelled/ended


S01E01 300 Feet Below

S01E02 The Red Hot Car

S01E03 S.O.S. Dolphin

S01E04 The Gulf Between

S01E05 City Boy

S01E06 Dolphin For Sale

S01E07 Not Necessarily Gospel

S01E08 Countdown for Flipper

S01E09 Mr. Marvello

S01E10 My Brother Flipper

S01E11 The Second Time Around

S01E12 Lady and the Dolphin 1

S01E13 Lady and the Dolphin 2

S01E14 Danger

S01E15 The Misanthrope

S01E16 Flipper's Bank Account

S01E17 The Lifeguard

S01E18 The Day of the Shark

S01E19 Love and Sandy

S01E20 Money to Blow

S01E21 Flipper's Treasure
S01E22 The White Dolphin
S01E23 Teamwork
S01E24 Flipper and the Elephant (1)

S01E25 Flipper and the Elephant (2)
S01E26 Flipper and the Elephant (3)
S01E27 Bud Minds Baby
S01E28 Sailor Bud

S01E29 The Call of the Dolphin

S01E30 Flipper's Monster


S02E01 Flipper and the Mermaid

S02E02 Dolphin in Pursuit (1)

S02E03 Dolphin in Pursuit (2)

S02E04 Flipper's Hour of Peril

S02E05 Coral Fever

S02E06 Junior Ranger

S02E07 The Ditching (1)

S02E08 The Ditching (2)

S02E09 Flipper and the Spy

S02E10 Dolphin Patrol
S02E11 A Job for Sandy
S02E12 Flipper and the Horse Thieves
S02E13 Flipper and the Bounty
S02E14 Shark Hunt

S02E15 Flipper, the Detective

S02E16 Flipper's Odyssey (1)

S02E17 Flipper's Odyssey (2)

S02E18 Flipper's Odyssey (3)

S02E19 Slingshot

S02E20 Flipper and the Shark Cage

S02E21 The Lobster Trap

S02E22 Air Power

S02E23 Gift Dolphin

S02E24 The Raccoon Who Came to Dinner

S02E25 Flipper Joins the Navy (1)

S02E26 Flipper Joins the Navy (2)

S02E27 Flipper's Underwater Museum

S02E28 Deep Waters

S02E29 Dolphin Love (1)

S02E30 Dolphin Love (2)


S03E01 Agent Bud

S03E02 Disaster in the Everglades (1)

S03E03 Disaster in the Everglades (2)

S03E04 Lost Dolphin

S03E05 The Warning

S03E06 Cupid Flipper

S03E07 An Errand for Flipper

S03E08 Whale Ahoy

S03E09 Explosion

S03E10 Executive Bud

S03E11 Flipper and the Puppy

S03E12 Flipper's Island

S03E13 Alligator Duel

S03E14 Flipper and the Fugitive (1)

S03E15 Flipper and the Fugitive (2)

S03E16 The Most Expensive Sardine in the World

S03E17 Flipper and the Seal

S03E18 Dolphins Don't Sleep

S03E19 Aunt Martha

S03E20 Dolphin for Ransom

S03E21 A Dolphin in Time

S03E22 Decision for Bud

S03E23 The Firing Line (1)

S03E24 The Firing Line (2)

S03E25 Devil Ray

S03E26 Cap'n Flint

S03E27 Flipper's New Friends (1)

S03E28 Flipper's New Friends (2)

brief summary:
Ranger Porter Ricks is responsible for the animal and human life in Coral Key Park, Florida. Stories center on his 15-year-old son Sandy
and 10-year-old Bud and, especially, on their pet dolphin Flipper

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