

Geplaatst op donderdag 22 oktober 2020 @ 14:06 door -Postman- , 618 keer bekeken

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TV series 1965-1968 | science fiction, adventure, drama | status: cancelled/ended
season 1 b/w,  season 2 and 3 color |  NTSC (US) TV format converted to PAL (EU)


S01E01 The Reluctant Stowaway

S01E02 The Derelict

S01E03 Island in the Sky

S01E04 There Were Giants in the Earth

S01E05 The Hungry Sea

S01E06 Welcome Stranger

S01E07 My Friend, Mr. Nobody

S01E08 Invaders From the Fifth Dimension

S01E09 The Oasis

S01E10 The Sky Is Falling

S01E11 Wish Upon a Star

S01E12 The Raft

S01E13 One of Our Dogs Is Missing

S01E14 Attack of the Monster Plants

S01E15 Return from Outer Space

S01E16 The Keeper: Part 1

S01E17 The Keeper: Part 2

S01E18 The Sky Pirate

S01E19 Ghost in Space

S01E20 War of the Robots

S01E21 The Magic Mirror

S01E22 The Challenge

S01E23 The Space Trader

S01E24 His Majesty Smith

S01E25 The Space Croppers

S01E26 All That Glitters

S01E27 The Lost Civilization

S01E28 A Change of Space

S01E29 Follow The Leader


S02E01 Blast Off Into Space

S02E02 Wild Adventure

S02E03 The Ghost Planet

S02E04 Forbidden World

S02E05 Space Circus

S02E06 The Prisoners of Space

S02E07 The Android Machine

S02E08 The Deadly Games of Gamma 6

S02E09 The Thief of Outer Space

S02E10 Curse of Cousin Smith

S02E11 West of Mars

S02E12 A Visit to Hades

S02E13 Wreck of the Robot

S02E14 The Dream Monster

S02E15 The Golden Man

S02E16 The Girl from the Green Dimension

S02E17 The Questing Beast

S02E18 The Toymaker

S02E19 Mutiny in Space

S02E20 The Space Vikings

S02E21 Rocket to Earth

S02E22 The Cave of the Wizards

S02E23 Treasure of the Lost Planet

S02E24 Revolt of the Androids

S02E25 The Colonists

S02E26 Trip Through the Robot

S02E27 The Phantom Family

S02E28 The Mechanical Men

S02E29 The Astral Traveler

S02E30 The Galaxy Gift


S03E01 Condemned of Space

S03E02 Visit to a Hostile Planet

S03E03 Kidnapped in Space

S03E04 Hunter's Moon

S03E05 The Space Primevals

S03E06 Space Destructors

S03E07 The Haunted Lighthouse

S03E08 Flight Into the Future

S03E09 Collision of Planets

S03E10 Space Creature

S03E11 Deadliest of the Species

S03E12 A Day at the Zoo

S03E13 Two Weeks in Space

S03E14 Castles in Space

S03E15 The Anti-Matter Man

S03E16 Target Earth

S03E17 Princess of Space

S03E18 The Time Merchant

S03E19 The Promised Planet

S03E20 Fugitives in Space

S03E21 Space Beauty

S03E22 The Flaming Planet

S03E23 The Great Vegetable Rebellion

S03E24 Junkyard in Space

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
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