

Geplaatst op vrijdag 23 oktober 2020 @ 12:52 door -Postman- , 482 keer bekeken

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TV series 1963-1966 | S01-02 b/w S03 color | science fiction, fantasy, comedy | status: cancelled/ended
digitally restored US NTSC system | NL titel destijds: 'Mijn oom van Mars'

S01E01 My Favorite Martin

S01E02 The Matchmakers

S01E03 There is No Cure for the Common Martian

S01E04 Russians R in Season

S01E05 Man or Amoeba

S01E06 The Man on the Couch

S01E07 A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine and Peaches

S01E08 The Awful Truth

S01E09 Rocket to Mars

S01E10 Raffles no.2

S01E11 The Atom Misers

S01E12 That Little Old Matchmaker, Martin

S01E13 How to Be a Hero Without Really Trying

S01E14 Blood is Thicker than the Martian

S01E15 Poor Little Rich Cat

S01E16 Rx for Martian

S01E17 Going, Going, Gone

S01E18 Who Am I?

S01E19 Now You See It, Now You Don't

S01E20 My Nephew the Artist

S01E21 Hitchhike to Mars

S01E22 Uncle Martin's Broadcast

S01E23 An Old, Old Friend of the Family

S01E24 Super-Duper Snooper

S01E25 The Sinkable Mrs. Brown

S01E26 Martin and the Eternal Triangle

S01E27 Danger! High Voltage!

S01E28 If You Can't Lick Them

S01E29 Unidentified Flying Uncle Martin

S01E30 How Are You Gonna Keep Them Down on the Pharmacy?

S01E31 Miss Jekyll and Hyde

S01E32 Who's Got the Power?

S01E33 Oh, My Aching Antenna

S01E34 The Disastro-nauts

S01E35 Shake Well and Don't Use

S01E36 A Nose for News

S01E37 Uncle Martin's Wisdom Tooth


S02E01 Dreaming Can Make It So

S02E02 The Memory Pill

S02E03 Three to Make Ready

S02E04 Nothing But the Truth

S02E05 Dial M for Martin

S02E06 Extra! Extra! Sensory Perception!

S02E07 My Uncle the Folk Singer

S02E08 The Great Brain Robbery

S02E09 Double Trouble

S02E10 Has Anybody Seen My Electro-Magnetic Neutron Converting Gravitator?

S02E11 Don't Rain on My Parade

S02E12 Night Life of Uncle Martin

S02E13 To Make a Rabbit Stew- First Catch a Martian

S02E14 Won't You Come Home, Uncle Martin, Won't You Come Home?

S02E15 The Case of the Missing Sleuth

S02E16 How're Things in Glocca Martin?

S02E17 Gesundheit, Uncle Martin

S02E18 Martin Report #1

S02E19 Uncle Martin and the Identified Flying Object

S02E20 A Martian Fiddles Around

S02E21 Humbug, Mrs. Brown

S02E22 Crash Diet

S02E23 Gone But Not Forgotten
S02E24 Stop or I'll Steam
S02E25 The Magnetic Personality and Who Needs It

S02E26 We Love You, Miss Pringle

S02E27 Uncle Baby

S02E28 Once Upon a Martian Mother's Day

S02E29 Uncle Martin's Bedtime Story

S02E30 006 3/4

S02E31 Never Trust a Naked Martian

S02E32 Martin's Favorite Martian

S02E33 The Martian's Fair Hobo

S02E34 A Martian's Sonata in Mrs. B's Flat

S02E35 The Green Eyed Martian

S02E36 El Senor from Mars

S02E37 Time Out for Martin

S02E38 Portrait in Brown


S03E01 Go West, Young Martian (1)
S03E02 Go West, Young Martian (2)
S03E03 Martin of the Movies

S03E04 Keep Me From the Church on Time

S03E05 I'd Rather Fight Than Switch

S03E06 Tim, the Mastermind

S03E07 Martin Goldfinger

S03E08 Bottled Martin

S03E09 Hate Me a Little

S03E10 Girl in the Flying Machine

S03E11 The Time Machine is Waking Up That Old Gang of Mine

S03E12 Avenue C Mob

S03E13 Tim and Tim Again

S03E14 Lorelei Brown vs. Everybody

S03E15 The O'Hara Caper

S03E16 Who's Got a Secret?

S03E17 Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow

S03E18 Martin's Revoltin' Development

S03E19 TV or Not TV

S03E20 Man From Uncle Martin

S03E21 Martin the Mannequin

S03E22 Butterball

S03E23 When a Martian Makes His Violin Cry

S03E24 When You Get Back Home to Mars, Are You Going to Get It

S03E25 Doggone Martin

S03E26 Virus M for Martin

S03E27 Our Notorious Landlady

S03E28 Martin Meets His Match

S03E29 Horse and Buggy Martin

S03E30 Stop the Presses, I Want to Get Off

S03E31 My Nut Cup Runneth Over

S03E32 Pay the Man the $24

brief summary:
A newspaper reporter's life is enlivened by his giving shelter to a Martian who, having become stranded on Earth, is posing as his uncle

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