

Geplaatst op donderdag 11 februari 2021 @ 15:13 door -Postman- , 613 keer bekeken

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TV series 1961-1966 | comedy | status: cancelled/ended
NTSC (US) TV format converted to PAL (EU) | remastered/digitally restored

S01E01 The First Meeting

S01E02 The Ventriloquist

S01E03 Busy Wife

S01E04 Kiddy Park

S01E05 Stable for Three

S01E06 Sorority House

S01E07 Ed the Lover

S01E08 Pageant Show

S01E09 The Aunt

S01E10 The Missing Statue

S01E11 Ed the Witness

S01E12 Ed's Mother

S01E13 Ed the Tout

S01E14 Ed the Songwriter

S01E15 Ed the Stoolpigeon

S01E16 Psychoanalyst Show

S01E17 A Man for Velma

S01E18 Ed's New Shoes

S01E19 Little Boy

S01E20 Ed Agrees to Talk

S01E21 The Mustache

S01E22 The Other Woman

S01E23 Ed Cries Wolf

S01E24 The Contest

S01E25 Pine Lake Lodge

S01E26 Wilbur Sells Ed


S02E01 My Son, My Son

S02E02 The Horsetronaut

S02E03 Ed's Ancestors

S02E04 Ed the Redecorator

S02E05 Ed the Jumper

S02E06 Ed the Voter

S02E07 Ed the Hunter

S02E08 Mister Ed's Blues

S02E09 Ed the Hero

S02E10 Ed, the Salesman

S02E11 Ed and the Elephant

S02E12 The Wrestler

S02E13 Ed's Bed

S02E14 Ed the Beneficiary

S02E15 Zsa Zsa

S02E16 Horse Wash

S02E17 Ed the Horse Doctor

S02E18 George Burns Meets Mister Ed (a.k.a.) Ed Finally Talks

S02E19 Ed's Word of Honor

S02E20 No Horses Allowed

S02E21 Bald Horse

S02E22 Ed's New Neighbors

S02E23 Ed the Beachcomber

S02E24 Lie Detector

S02E25 Clint Eastwood Meets Mister Ed

S02E26 Ed the Matchmaker


S03E01 Ed Gets Amnesia

S03E02 Wilbur, the Good Samaritan

S03E03 Wilbur and Ed in Showbiz

S03E04 The Bashful Clipper

S03E05 Ed and the Allergy

S03E06 Horse Sense

S03E07 Wilbur in the Lion's Den

S03E08 Horse Party

S03E09 Ed the Pilgrim

S03E10 Disappearing Horse

S03E11 Ed and Paul Revere

S03E12 Wilbur the Masher

S03E13 Horse of a Different Color

S03E14 Ed and the Bicycle

S03E15 Ol' Rockin' Chair

S03E16 Big Pine Lodge

S03E17 Unemployment Show

S03E18 Horse Talk

S03E19 Ed and the Secret Service

S03E20 Working Wives

S03E21 Wilbur's Father

S03E22 The Price of Apples

S03E23 Ed the Zebra

S03E24 Ed the Emancipator

S03E25 Doctor Ed

S03E26 The Blessed Event


S04E01 Leo Durocher Meets Mister Ed

S04E02 Wilbur Post, Honorary Horse

S04E03 Ed Discovers America

S04E04 Patter of Little Hooves

S04E05 Be Kind to Humans

S04E06 Don't Laugh at Horses

S04E07 Getting Ed's Goat

S04E08 Oh, Those Hats!

S04E09 Taller Than She

S04E10 Home Sweet Trailer

S04E11 Love Thy New Neighbor

S04E12 Ed's Christmas Story

S04E13 Ed Gets the Mumps

S04E14 Ed's Dentist

S04E15 Ed the Shish Kebab

S04E16 Ed in the Peace Corps

S04E17 Ed the Desert Rat

S04E18 Ed the Donkey

S04E19 Ed Visits a Gypsy

S04E20 Ol' Swayback

S04E21 Mae West Meets Mister Ed

S04E22 Ed the Chauffeur

S04E23 Ed the Musician

S04E24 The Prowler

S04E25 Saddles and Gowns

S04E26 Moko


S05E01 Hi-Fi Horse

S05E02 Ed the Pool Player

S05E03 Ed Writes Dear Abby

S05E04 Tunnel to Freedom

S05E05 The Heavy Rider

S05E06 Ed the Pilot

S05E07 Animal Jury

S05E08 What Kind of Foal Am I?

S05E09 Ed the Race Horse

S05E10 Ed's Juice Stand

S05E11 Like Father, Like Horse

S05E12 Ed the Stowaway

S05E13 Never Ride Horses

S05E14 Ed the Sentry

S05E15 Ed's Diction Teacher

S05E16 Ed the Godfather

S05E17 Ed's Contact Lenses

S05E18 The Dragon Horse

S05E19 Ed's Cold Tail

S05E20 The Bank Robbery

S05E21 My Horse, the Mailman

S05E22 Whiskers and Tails

S05E23 Robin Hood Ed

S05E24 Ed the Artist

S05E25 Jon Provost Meets Mister Ed

S05E26 My Horse, the Ranger


S06E01 Ed the Counterspy

S06E02 Ed-a-Go-Go

S06E03 Ed Sniffs Out a Cold Clue

S06E04 Spies Strike Back

S06E05 Love and the Single Horse

S06E06 Anybody Got a Zebra?

S06E07 TV or Not TV

S06E08 The Horse and the Pussycat

S06E09 Don't Skin That Bear

S06E10 Ed the Bridegroom

S06E11 Ed and the Motorcycle

S06E12 Cherokee Ed

S06E13 Ed Goes to College

   [01] ed info: episodes | seasons | cast | crew | characters | gallery | news

brief summary:
Architect Wilbur Post and his wife Carol move into a beautiful new home complete with a barn in the backyard
When Wilbur takes a look in his new barn, he finds that the former owner left his horse behind
This horse is no ordinary horse . . . he can talk, but only to Wilbur, which leads to all sorts of misadventures for Wilbur and his trouble-making sidekick
Mister Ed

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This blog features media from various outlets and channels - We have no connection with the sites or the servers, we are just providing information
We cannot vouch for the user experience provided by external sites - We select -at least- standard definition (SD) files (reasonable quality)
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